the annual physical that lasted 7 hours

Great news Allen. It's probably GOOD that you hadn't finished that Rocker BEFORE you had to wear that monitor though, 'Cause cause you just imagine what kind of recording that machine might have made if you had decided to just set down and ROCK for a while?:rofl::rofl::rofl:
someone up theres honestly loves me

Not that I havent been going about my business, thinking my irritation under my rib cage was nothing more than the technician last week jabbing me and pushing that monitor up into my rib cage, so I dealt withthe discomfort, got alot of stuff to build.
I had to drop off some paperwork, so I figured let them check it out anyway, it doesnt stop burning, and sure enough, bingo, shingles.
Not the cedar type either, these are the itchy pain in the neck type.

I dont know if someone is trying to give me a message, but continiously trying to stop me from cutting wood with these little aggrevating conditions is not going to work.
I was warned about using my machinery while under the new meds.

Seems like Im a 25 y/o car, one piece after another or one system after another fails, or breaks down, and needs some tuneup work.
Im not used to being ill, I cant sit still, and Im not a good patient.
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