Need your prayers again.

I'm reviving this thread, first to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers for my dad, and second to update you on his condition.

He has been moved to a long-term care facility (read: nursing home) and will be there indefinitely--at least until he can walk with his walker. He was in the rehab hospital for about 10 days, during which time the therapist said that he wasn't making any progress with her, but might have better luck with another therapist at another location. So he was moved. He hates it, and just about every time my mother walks in, he says he's ready to go home as soon as she packs his stuff. He STILL hasn't assimilated the information that he can't go back home in the condition he's in and let her take care of him. His doctors, nurses, and the therapist confirmed that he needs 24-hour care, and my mother just is not able to provide that, and there is no way on earth that they can afford home care. So---he remains in the nursing home, not really trying to walk, not eating, and just existing from day to day.

I'm planning a trip back to Tennessee in April, and I've told him that I want to see him at home when I get there. Somehow I doubt it.

(And before you ask why I'm waiting so long, we have some hubby's family stuff to take care of in Oklahoma in February and hubby can't get any time off again until April--so mid-April it is. I wish I could go back earlier, but it just isn't possible right now. Besides, Mother has told me not to come until then...and I always obey my mother.)
Having gone through some similar situations with LOML's mom last year, I can empathize with you and your family. Wishing the best for all of you.