Gotta vent

Sorry to hear about your troubles. Several AC units have been stolen here in KC, they strip them for the copper and such. Know a couple of guys that had steal cages built for theirs to make them difficult to steal. Have even had them go through new construction houses and strip wiring that had been installed overnight. :dunno:
No nothing special but then why would they seal a 15 year old AC unit that is useless with out the coil and all the lines?? This is done out of spite plane and simple by the neighbor but cant prove it. :(

Jay, the AC unit was stolen for the metals. Metals theft is rampant across the country since scrap prices went through the roof. Copper and aluminum bring a nice price from the metals recyclers AKA junk yards.

The tree I assume was an ornimental... This time of year the theft of small trees and shrubs also spikes due to demand.

Unfortunately many thefts like that are committed by drug users generating income to buy more drugs. With a drug user next door, it's a reasonable assumption he's the culprit, or at least connected with the culprit. Metals thefts are fairly easy to track, at least a lot easier than trees and such. Give the police a chance to work on it. Those type things take a while sometimes, though when they get the break they need, the police often clear a LOT of cases.

Write a letter to the head of the real estate association advising them of the situation. Then when you talk to the media, add that you are working with the real estate people to help make your neighborhood safe. Distribute all of the information to everyone in your neighborhood as well as the culprits.

This is called drafting your army. Everything visible and above board. Make the cost of continued bad behavior as unacceptable the rally cry of good neighbors, police authorities, and others with a stake [the real estate people], and then the media will be with you as well.

While I agree, it does get your blood boiling, going to extremes isn't going to solve the problem either. In fact, going off the deep end quickly gets the individual labeled "the crazy" and then they become the "problem". It might make you feel better, but it's not going to help resolve the problem. Actually, it'll have the opposite effect. No one, including the police, want to get drawn into a neighborhood urination contest. Not to mention the target of your "war" will also feel compelled to retaliate that much more. Take the high road and don't stoop to their level.

Trying to roll around in the mud with a pig (or nasty neighbor) only gets you dirty and the pig actually likes it.

I read an article about a woodcraft store that was broken into several times. The owner placed a rfid chip in the packaging of a table saw and was able to find the location of the saw. Police stated they needed a warrant but they got lucky as the thief put the saw in a pickup and the police were able to see it in plain sight. After the arrest the thief's lawyer tried to say that was entrapment. The judge did not agree and the break-in stats went way down. I don't know if you could do something like that or not but it might be worth looking into.
Good Luck,
Sorry Mike, I don't think that's going to extremes. It is simply becoming pro-active. Nothing wrong with that. I am not suggesting hysterical behavior, simply an organized, structured plan of information gathering with all the folks who have a stake participating. We don't lower the boom. We just gather the rocks. The miscreants trip the lever themselves. Therein lies the beauty of it. And that's not entrapment either. It is just information gathering, which you certainly can do on your own property. That means focusing the camera on your property only. No peeping over the property lines.