Why I bother to wear a dust mask.

Chas Jones

Cotswolds, UK
______Coarse filter collection results from turning a couple of dozen , mostly small items.
______100mm close proximity large volume extractor and 9" Expelair running at the same time.
______No discernable airborne dust in the shop whilst turning.
______Mask also worn whilst cleaning up shavings and floor debris with 100mm extractor and Shop Vac after each turning session.
_____________________Click on image for larger view.
Isn't it amazing to see how much stuff we could be breathing? I replaced the outer filter on my hanging air cleaner last night, and it was pretty nasty, even though I run the DC whenever I'm generating dust. I also blow quite a bit of dust out of the coarse filter on my Trend every time I change the batteries.
Thanks for posting that, Chas. If that doesn't make someone think about what we're breathing when turning, and more important when sanding, then nothing will ever get through. Great lesson! :thumb:
Chas thanks for the reminder. When I first started turning I had some problems with what I thought was a cold. Turns out my Doctor told me I could get emphysema from breathing wood dust. Thankfully it cleared up and I don't go in my shop now without the air filter hanging from the ceiling and wearing the trend. It is amazing what is in my air cleaner filters and in the trend filter.