Ever had a case of "Monkey Butt"?

John Pollman

Rochester Hills, MI
This is just too funny.

This afternoon I had to run to ACE Hardware for a couple things. I parked the truck and walked into the store. As I got inside I was walking back to the department that had what I needed and I noticed some discomfort. It's not too bad out there but kind of warm and muggy. My butt was chafing and it was starting to get sore while walking around. I didn't think much about it and went about getting what I needed. I picked up a couple of the things I needed and started looking around. There's that darn chafing again. OUCH! No biggie, I can't wait til the weather cools down. Looked around another couple minutes and I stopped at one display to look at something. As I set it down I looked on the shelf below where I set it and there was a whole shelf full of "Anti Monkey Butt Powder". :D I had to do a double-take to make sure it said what I thought it did. Yep, it sure did. I picked it up and started to laugh. I've NEVER heard the term "Monkey Butt" before and laughed out loud again.

I got home and told the wife about it and she had a good laugh. A few minutes ago I googled "Monkey Butt" and they have a web site.


So if this hot sticky weather has you chafing maybe you should pick some up! :rofl:

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I've seen it advertised in the Duluth Trading catalog. Something tells me I'd rather order it online than buy it in person at the store. With my luck, they'd need to announce a price check over the PA system. :D
I know what you mean about chaffing..... :eek:

I use Gold Bond powder, and when the chaffing gets real bad (like from the elastic bands around your thighs from the whitie tighties) I use bag balm....seriously.

I sure like cooler weather, makes life more comfortable.
i've never personally had a case of monkey butt, but my brother has complained about it so much, that while i was at the local hardware store, i picked up a can of monkey butt powder for him. :D:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Ok ok you guys laugh ... but just wait till the motorcycle riders chime in, here. It's a very common occurance on longish bike rides. The sitting in one place, the warmth of the motor, the lack of breathing, the sweating, the vibration, the pressure ... yeah - yer tush gets a little raw ... that's the monkey butt!

I got a little of it on my longest ride so far (about 3 solid hours nonstop) and I started to wish I had a little of the antimonkeybutt powder, I'll tell you what!

It's a real thing, just a funny name s'all :)
Back in the 'olden' days I remember, corn starch or talcum powder was used.
Today, I would question the wisdom of using the corn starch. Being an organic substance, methinks things unwanted could grow in unpleasant spots. :eek: (we need a 'yuk' similie)
I've seen it advertised in the Duluth Trading catalog. Something tells me I'd rather order it online than buy it in person at the store. With my luck, they'd need to announce a price check over the PA system. :D

I was in Safeway about 31 years ago when a lady came up to the register to check out & in among the items she was purchasing was a box of Tampons. When the check out went to ring it up it didn't have a price tag she picked up the microphone & asked for a price check. Back came the question is that the kind you put in with your thumb or a hammer. The whole store just erupted in laughter & the lady just walked out of the store totally embarrassed.