You be the Judge and Jury

Les Elm

Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
Which one of these two Black Titanium and Platinum Sierra Elegant Beauties with Shredded Canadian Five Dollar Bills look the best?

The first one has the blank and tube painted Mat Silver/Grey.

The second one has the blank and tube painted Mat Black.



Using the money for the background, the first one more resembles the intended theme. Larry's comments are spot on for the second one. They both are tremendous pens and show mastery in fit and finish. Personally would pick either one up and be more than satisfied with it being my pen in my pocket. Together, I like the sutle background of the first one, although I like the bold black, I would purchase the first over the second.
number 1, it suits the over all look of the pen.

number 2 is ok for contrast in the barrell, but not quite right over all for me.

I had to go back and look at them a couple of times before I could decide, but I think I'm in agreement with Dan here... I like both of them and they are both elegant. I think the contrast is a little harsh for the overall look... it looks great, but I think I like the number 1 better.