Dust Buggy (changed pipe)

Santa Claus, In
As most know I picked up a dust deputy while back. I have been wanting to make it, "one with the vac". Couldn't figure out how I wanted to do it, so I searched the forum and found that most stack theirs. I had seen the Shopnotes and they had a nice cart, but it takes up too much floor space. So I used all the ideas and came up with this.



While it may need some fine tuning here and there, I think it will work. I need to do something with the big ol' hose hanging off the front.
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Looks good to me! Once I get mine back from pellet stove cleaning season, I will have to rework mine. i'll probably steal yours!
I like that a lot, Steve. I have mine side-by-side on a cart, but I could sure use the floor space you gain by stacking. I may end up re-doing mine to take advantage of some of your ideas.
Fixed the Big Ol' Black" pipe issue.


Thanks Brent, I guessed wrong and used 2". I do have some 1 1/2" mixed in. It worked better at the vac hook up.

Something else I like about this is that I can see the level in the bucket.
Bob the plan is to break loose the Furnco fitting and empty the bucket. Going to find a hose clamp of some sorts with a wing nut on it. Might be a little more trouble with the PVC, but I saved a little room.
Nicely done Steve :thumb:

I made my own mini cyclone, but it is a LOT taller than the Dust Deputy. The Dust Deputy seems to go into the bucket top a lot more, maybe I should revise my design to make it shorter. I want to hook it up to my Makita shop vacuum, and it is tall as it is, so I'm not sure what I will end up doing, but your stacked set has got me thinking again :D

Here is my Makita shop vac .......
...it stands about 28" tall.

Here is my homemade mini-cyclone.....
I've since fixed a few things on that set up, but basically that is how it is. The small gray vacuum is only OK, the biggest problem is it clogs up all the time, as the hose is not very big.

I might cut that cone on the mini cyclone down a bit and stuff it into the lid, much like the DustDeputy thing you have :huh: :dunno:

I started with a little mini-cyclone redo, I changed the inlet and outlet to fit the Makita shopvac.......
Here is the modified mini-cyclone setting (precariously) on top of my Makita shopvac. Yes, it is going to be rather tall, I'm a bit concerned that it will be too top heavy, but with that long hose, in my small shop, I should not have to move it around very much.

To make the rack that will hold the mini-cyclone and bucket, I will make a split ring thing that will attach around the steel canister of the shopvac, I think it should work.... :huh:

More pics as I go along.

Steve, I hope you don't mind the Highjack :eek: :wave:
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OK, with Steve's blessing here goes :D

This is what I got done today......

makita_mini_cyclone_1.jpg makita_mini_cyclone_2.jpg

This will be the fixture that I attach the rack to that will hold the bucket and mini-cyclone above the vacuum.

It is rock solid, and should not go anywhere. I did not want to make a new cart for the vacuum, like Steve did, as the cart on the Makita is really good, has decent wheels and such. Also, if I need to take the vacuum to a job site again, like the Aparto, I can easily convert it back to a regular vacuum, just undo the four bolts that hold this fixture to the vacuum, and it is back to the way it was.

Tomorrow, I hope to get rest of it built.

I like it, so far so good.

Hey I think it's tomorrow there, so where's the rest:thumb:

It is ALWAYS tomorrow here......... maybe that is why I'm always behind :huh: :eek:

I got it mostly done........
makita_mini_cyclone_1.jpg makita_mini_cyclone_2.jpg makita_mini_cyclone_3.jpg
.... still some things to do, like make some adjustable hooks to hold the bucket up. It does not need to be held that tight, as when the vacuum is working it actually sucks it up against the seal on the bottom of the mini-cyclone. I also want to make a rack on the front for the orange hose, and something to hold the cord.

The unit is a bit top heavy, but it is also biased toward the back, so it wants to fall over backwards, I have a couple of heavy hunks of steel here that I might put on the front of the unit, low down to counter balance it a bit, but I don't see moving it around much, that long orange hose will reach just about all of the Dungeon from one location.

I did modify one thing right away, I zip tied the black hose to the side of the rear rack, this cleans it up a bit......
makita_mini_cyclone_4.jpg makita_mini_cyclone_5.jpg
...... so the black hose is not hanging off the side so much.

The whole unit stands 69" tall or about 5'9" tall, taller than most people here in Japan!!

Yep, almost done! :wave:
Vaczilla, yeah, that fits :D

I got it done, well there might be a few more things done to it, but for now, it is done, and works well. I made a rack for the orange hose and a holder for the crevice tool, and a rope loop for the cord. I also made a bucket hanger, just two pieces of plywood attached to the bucket, with a hold drilled in them, and a t-nut on the underside, then a hole in the top piece an two bolts with knobs on them, works slick, I can remove the bucket and dump it in about a minute. :thumb:

I also put the floor tool hanger on the back of Vaczilla, so that is handy too.

The only thing I will really change is the bucket, I'll have my eyes out for a clear, or at least translucent bucket, or I'll put a viewing port in the top, with some plexiglass, so I can see when it is full.

Thanks for the inspiration Steve :wave:
