Giving forward,, idea

Larry, Great idea. It crossed my mind that someone might suggest to this lady to contact local high school shop classes. This would be a great project for kids. Back in the day we even had a sewing class at our school. (no, it wasn't a one room school):D I might even contact our local high school shop teacher. I would be willing to supply them with wood. Especially TURNING wood. :rofl::rofl:

Rex told me about this when I visited with him last fall. I also contacted and asked about expanding to new chapters. Right now our pastor is working with the chaplain at one of the local hospitals to see if there is a need for this and how great that need is. Based on what we learn I will contact her again and see what steps need to be taken. I already have a few woodworkers and a couple of ladies lined up. It's a good cause and I encourage you and the others here to see if a need exists in your communities and then do what you can to fill it.
OK, Larry. I just talked with her. I have a church council meeting on SUnday and we will take it up. There are also crocheted items needed.

So question for those significant others who may sew: what are some sewing forums this lady might be able to contact with her needs?