Today is Flag day

Lets chip in a buy Don a spelling checker!

I'll cut him some slack. I'll bet he's having a Barley Pop and BBQ'ing, just like me... :thumb:

I fly my flag out front every day as a reminder to thank this country and it's veterans for all the opportunities and advantages they have provided us all.

Just a reminder of what a great place this country is. :thumb:
In the old days of war, it was an honor to hold the flag, running forward despite musket balls and cannon shells, and if the guy holding the flag took a round, someone would grab it and go forward again...just the way it was.

Pride. Valor and Bravery...

A few in my family stood under the flag in Baltimore when Francis Scott Key penned the star spangled banner and I won't lie, it gives me a goosebumps when they play it at hockey games and whatnot. If you don't get that...time for a reality check...or at least a reality check of what freedom really is.

As for the "artist" that put the flag in the toilet and called it freedom of expression, I'd like to talk to you and explain a few things...some might actually call that assault, while veterans would call it justified...either way you would see the reverse of respect.