Ok, Can we all pull together for Logan?

Logan's got a lot of good mojo comin' his way from Smokey and the rest of the Pollman household!


Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. It really means a lot to Sharon and me.

Well, Not quite the news we had been hoping for. Still have to wait for the official report from the ultrasound guy. They'll send that off to a surgeon to get their take on what the options are.

But basically, it's the internal type of shunt, which from what I've read, is very difficult to mend with lower success rate, and might require multiple surgeries.

He's also got something wrong with his aorta, which they say could be fixed through surgery.

Guess we'll just have to play this one by ear and see what the next couple of days bring.
Wahhh (where's the crying smilie?)

Innies are not good unless you are a belly button. :( And the aorta thing is where there is an unwanted blood vessel connecting between the aorta and the ventricle and those two should never be on speaking terms. It can be fixed by surgery, but if untreated it can cause heart failure because the heart will be fighting with itself.

So, not good news at all. No decisions until we talk to the surgeon, but I have a feeling we'll just have to make his life as comfortable as possible as long as he's willing to hang in there.

Right now he's giving Starbuck grief and acting like a perfectly happy puppy, even after being sedated all day.

Thanks for all the well wishes, everyone.