When Did We Get THESE in LA?

So how hard do you have to hit them & is there anything left of the black light when you finished hitting them?

I only mentioned the blacklight because I figured that as an old stoner, err, rocker, Vaughn would have one laying around, and would be spending tonight wandering around his yard with it! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
None of the neighbors recall seeing scorpions in our neck of the woods. I'm sure not walking around the house barefoot for a while. :eek:

I stepped on one of those things once..:eek:. didn't stay on his back very long :rofl::rofl: I was about 10 years old at the time and I still remember how hot that coal was.

there was a very large herd of them migrating under my grandfathers house and across his yard.
...P.S. Did you know that the more times you hit a scorpion with a shovel the flatter it gets?

I did not know that. Apparently the LA Times and fuzzy slipper work, too. :D

Could have been somebody's pet that got away. Did you check it for a collar?

I had a pet scorpion (about half this size) years ago while working on a remote job in NM. Caught it in the job trailer, kept it in a jar and fed it spiders every few days. It was cool watching it attack and eat the spider.

I'll bet they splatter when shot with a 410 also!

That's overkill, man. BB gun. More sporting, plus less collateral damage indoors. :p I used to do a lot of cockroach hunting in my younger days.

Is that one of them California narking spiders.

Nah dude, they're little bitty land lobsters. We've got 'em all over the place out west. Battered and deep fried, they're delicious. Ask the guy in Ken's video. :rofl: