Review - SketchUp Guide for Woodworkers by Dave Richards

Bill Arnold

Staff member
Thomasville, GA
Fine Woodworking's Google SketchUp Guide for Woodworkers--The Basics

After seeing the post about Dave's video a few days ago, I downloaded it. The DVD isn't available until May and I didn't want to wait! Dave has helped many of us on the Forum. He got me past a brain cramp and put me on a path that allowed me to progress with SketchUp to a point I can actually use it!

As the title states, it contains the basics for someone beginning to learn the program. If you aren't sure whether you want to tackle it, the Guide will give you a good start. Although I am already at a point where I can produce recognizable drawings, there are many things Dave brings out in the video that were eye-openers to me. There are things we learn from each other on our Forum about specific functions, but I felt as if I was in a classroom when he demonstrated the use of Scenes when developing shop drawings. It made me realize that I need to go back over a couple of my drawings and make some modifications for efficiency.

If you haven't looked at it, check it out here. It's well worth the cost.
Good for you Bill in creating this post. I too got the download, i like Daves style of explaining things and to me the price was a no brainer for educational material. Its great to have on hand i have found. Makes it handy when you got a memory like mine and need a quick refresher all the time. I dont use sketchup enough to keep it all in my head. But i am getting better at it as a result of Dave and the classes here. :)
i havnt got it yet but will as i mentioned it here some time back,, for any of of our new members looking at it or not knowing what we are talking about go and give it a look on the Fine Wood Working site,, there is a short video clip on the dvd that dave richards has made up for SketchUp.. go give it a try and the program is free from google and the video is 12.95 or 16.95 for a dvd.. will make your next project much more complete//
I will be picking one up also in the near future, but need to pick up a new computer first as my laptop at home is near its end:eek: Thanks for the review Bill and Dave for creating it:thumb:
I downloaded a copy last night and have to say WOW, what great tutorial series. Even though it's labeled 'basic' it covered a lot of questions I had in doing woodworking joinery and some of the techniques will definitely speed up my design skills...I recommend it...nice work Dave!
I've had sketchup on my computer for 3 or 4,maybe longer,years and have learned nothing from the tutorials that come with it.But I bought and down loaded sketchup basics a week ago,and learned more in the first hour of use than I've learned in the last 3 or 4 years.It is a really great learning tool and well worth the money.Thanks Dave
Going to watch it today. I have a pretty major landscaping project I need to plan out, as well as a couple of woodworking projects.

After playing with SU a bit more yesterday, I can definitely use some lessons!
hey dave is it on dvd yet i tried to get it that way because this puter is old and didnt want to loose it.. but the page comes up not found on FWW site for the dvd???
Mostly, I'm working with placing retaining wall blocks (As components) onto curves.

Really kind of tedious doing a block by block, but straight lines are easy enough.

First try was to use a circle, but the number of segments used for the circle didn't make it exactly 'round'.

First try was to put some guides on the components to allow me to rotate around a radius. That gave me better curves, but was more tedious. I'm going back to using a circle (or path) as a guide.

I need to come up with a rough idea of how many blocks I need before I order them. It's going to be kind of a big project...

It's actually kind of interesting. I pulled the terrain in from google earth and am able to plant the blocks on that. The terrain seems pretty accurate and makes the walls look realistic.

If only I had a higher resolution aerial picture of the property, but they haven't updated our area with very detailed pics. Time to get brave and put a decent camera on one of my RC planes and see what kind of pics I can get...
Sorry, Larry. They didn't tell me there is a discount code. ;) I got a copy of the DVD but I inflicted it on my brother and didn't watch it myself. :D

Brent, did you draw an accurate representation of the block you're using? Do you know how to create linear and radial arrays in SketchUp?

Which version of SketchUp are you using? V7 and earlier use imagery from Google Earth and the image imports in black and white. Version 8 uses imagery from Google Maps which has, for most areas, better terrain data and the image comes in in color. As for image resolution, that might still be a problem for your area. If you can get good images with your planes, you could replace the image you've already got.

Let me know how I can help and I'll do my best.
Brent, did you draw an accurate representation of the block you're using? Do you know how to create linear and radial arrays in SketchUp?

I did manage to find one in the warehouse. It's pretty close to what I think we might use, but Sharon might change our minds on the specific ones.

Which version of SketchUp are you using? V7 and earlier use imagery from Google Earth and the image imports in black and white. Version 8 uses imagery from Google Maps which has, for most areas, better terrain data and the image comes in in color. As for image resolution, that might still be a problem for your area. If you can get good images with your planes, you could replace the image you've already got.

Version 8. Hmmm, I think I know of another place I might be able to get a higher res picture, but it would be fun to try with a plane. I've seen tutorials on adding custom imagery to google earth/maps before. Right now though I'm just working on the basics of figuring out how to do what I want.

Do you know how to create linear and radial arrays in SketchUp?

I know how to add items using *X and /X. Adding blocks in a straight line is easy. Is that a linear array?

Radial array sounds like something I should become familiar with :thumb:

Thanks Dave!
I did manage to find one in the warehouse. It's pretty close to what I think we might use, but Sharon might change our minds on the specific ones.

I understand that. ;)

Version 8. Hmmm, I think I know of another place I might be able to get a higher res picture, but it would be fun to try with a plane. I've seen tutorials on adding custom imagery to google earth/maps before. Right now though I'm just working on the basics of figuring out how to do what I want.

Worry about the imagery later. I think it would be fun to get your own, too.

Brent Dowell;345251I said:
know how to add items using *X and /X. Adding blocks in a straight line is easy. Is that a linear array?


Radial array sounds like something I should become familiar with :thumb:

It's the same sort of thing as the linear array but using the Rotate tool. I zipped this thing out for someone a few minutes ago. They are trying to sort out how to draw the wall frame for a yurt. this was the five minute version and I made use of the radial array for it.

Thanks Dave!

You're quite welcome.