Pet urn in walnut and ebony

Rennie Heuer

Staff member
Constantine, MI
Shortly after I posted photos of my mahogany urn on Facebook I received an email asking if I would consider building a smaller version for a beloved pet, a German shepherd that had passed away over two years ago. The owner had been looking for an urn all that time but had never come across anything he felt was special enough for his best friend.

How could I possibly say no?

After several email exchanges it was decided that I would use wood supplied by him that he had been holding onto for several years, waiting for 'just the right project.' This is the finished product. I really enjoyed building this and might consider building a second for my own use someday.

The wood, as described by the customer, is walnut and Australian blackwood (top and bottom). I'm not familiar with the blackwood, but I must say it has some gorgeous highlights. Finish is 2 coats of dewaxed shellac and 5 coats of spray lacquer. As alway, opinions, comments, and critiques are welcome.

Outstanding work Rennie! The wood was saved for 'just the right project' and you turned it into just that...beautiful! :thumb:
Thanks to all for the kind words. To the eagle eyes out there, yes, it is the old style lid. First, it's what the customer wanted, and second, the amount of wood he supplied would not allow the redesign.