Friday 6-8 Edition

Santa Claus, In
Its been 7 days since the last one, but its Friday again. So what's going on in your neighborhood?

Me, homework and lots of it. Really wondering why US history starts at 11,000 BC and comes forward.:huh: Oh well, it is what it is.
Getting paid to spend time on the golf course job is kinda cool sometimes. :D Tomorrow and sunday will be the start of a big shop/garage cleanup that is long overdo. Hope to find some more space to give myself more room out there.
My wife has some friends coming over this afternoon to hang out by the pool, then my nieces later, so may be a movie night by the pool. Yard work on Saturday morning, some pool time after. Hopefully finishing up my tool swap project this weekend. My wife and daughter are heading out to visit her sister for the week on Monday, so full week of bachelorhood on the rise too.
Im still trapped in my nabe, between beach traffic and the big race at belmont saturday, I wont be able to go east, north, or west.
just as well, still resting out the sore back, as well as putting in only a couple of hours a day on the kitchen.
Clean the shop. I've got a few logs that need cutting and I'm going to look at a walnut log this weekend to see if it's worth getting. I've found what most people think is a "big" log really isn't that big and not worth sawing.

Might get up in the morning and take Lucas fishing. We know where the blue gill honey hole is. He could care less what he catches as long as he's catching something. It's a blast! If you want some fun and don't have one, rent or barrow an 11 year old boy and take fishing!
Saturday is yard and outside work day. I have quite a bit of window trim thats rotted out. My son is coming over to rip it off for me. I'll cut the new trim and he will nail it back on. I've had lots of trouble over the years with these windows. I don't think that I will ever buy Marvin windows again.

I've had so much trouble with my old Murray lawn tractor for the past few years that either I was going to take my shotgun to it or get rid of it. I can't afford a new one so I found a guy who sells and fixes tractors on CL. I bought an older John Deere STX38 from him for $400.00 and he gave me $100 trade in for my old one. So for $300 I should be able to cut my grass without too much trouble for the next few years. It runs great. :)

Sunday we have to go to Attleboro, Mass. for a graduation party for my wife niece. That's a little over 2 hours from me. I can only imagine how lousy the back is going to feel after that ride :(
SWMBO is away running a church function tomorrow, so I may be able to get some woodworking done, as I dropped by LV today to get some template guides that I think are going to allow me to finish a project if I don't find a new way to mess it up. Sunday we are going to Niagara Falls to greet our two daughters as they finish the 200 km, two day ride for cancer. I think it may be a little longer this year. We'll be at a barbecue after.
Saturday is yard and outside work day. I have quite a bit of window trim thats rotted out. My son is coming over to rip it off for me. I'll cut the new trim and he will nail it back on. I've had lots of trouble over the years with these windows. I don't think that I will ever buy Marvin windows again.

I've had so much trouble with my old Murray lawn tractor for the past few years that either I was going to take my shotgun to it or get rid of it. I can't afford a new one so I found a guy who sells and fixes tractors on CL. I bought an older John Deere STX38 from him for $400.00 and he gave me $100 trade in for my old one. So for $300 I should be able to cut my grass without too much trouble for the next few years. It runs great. :)

Sunday we have to go to Attleboro, Mass. for a graduation party for my wife niece. That's a little over 2 hours from me. I can only imagine how lousy the back is going to feel after that ride :(

ya have to look out for yourself bob. Just say no, sorry, the back is out. they will understand.
It aint worth the misery.
Spent some time today looking at a motorhome to purchase. Stlll haven't decided. Rest of today is prepare for meetings tomorrow. Saturday is attend meetings and prepare for Sunday. Sunday is the usual plus a class and graduation party to attend. Also to pack the car for a few days in San Diego. It's fair time there and I will spend one day at the fair turning. Also delivering (and probably finishing) a jig for Phil to drill pin holes into Shaker box bottoms. Back Friday afternoon for a meeting that evening - and it starts all over again.
Ned, Moving twice in a year, Ouch!

I'm going to spend some time in the shop this weekend! Who knows what I might come up with...
Ned, Moving twice in a year, Ouch!

I'm going to spend some time in the shop this weekend! Who knows what I might come up with...
well, not in my original plans, however. Semper Gumby!

ned, you forgot to pack the cat.

Allen, you nearly cost me a new keyboard. I have a cousin who actually Did pack one of the family cats one time... well ventilated box, neatly taped and labeled 'Gato' in large black marker... his mother was NOt amused. the cat, evidently had curled up in several blankets and was nesting happily however.

we survived day 1 of packing... all of my tools (including the new to me Jointer) are all on the truck tonight. We mostly have the bulky stuff left to pack (dressers, beds, a couple of tables, some chairs...) , and we've got loads of room left... from the wheel wells back floor to ceiling, plus a good portion of the center of the truck, and about another 8' of 'high' space left. (pics in the AM) We are aiming for everything except our mattress set, a change of clothes and the laptop to be in the truck by dusk tomorrow, sleep, get up early and roll sunday morning. My middle son and his buddies are going to be the Unload crew sunday evening, so I just have to drive up and supervise (I'll still help a bit) the unload.