What do you use for every day cleaning?

Rennie Heuer

Staff member
Constantine, MI
Just dropped of the table to a very happy customer. She wants to know what to use for every day cleaning f of the wax lacquer finish. What do you use?
My wife just asked me today...."what should I use to clean the kitchen cabinets and table with". Without so much as a hesitation I said...Guardsman furniture polish! Oh.... she said. Well we need to get some.
Yup...thanks to Dave....I came out looking pretty smart today. Thanks Dave!
Guardsman furniture polish. The only product out thre that is totally safe for cleaning I recommend.

I'll have to look into that. Where do you get it? I have long used Kramer's Furniture Restorer on my guns but lately it has been leaving a sticky coating and that is unacceptable. Need pitch the two (expensive) bottles I have and switch to something else.
My wife has used only Guardman's for years (decades!). It was the polish that was used at all of the furniture stores she worked at (Ethan Allen, Macy, etc.). She gets it at Bed, Bath & Beyond now.
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