Should flitches be straight?

Rennie Heuer

Staff member
Constantine, MI
I just brought home a 4 x 8 sheet of Sapele three-quarter inch plywood. I'm a bit flummoxed. The fletches are laid at an angle, about three quarters of an inch difference from one end of the sheet to the other. I need to lay strips end to end and need for the grain patterns to line up.

It seems as though I will have to make my initial cut along one of the flitch lines and use that as my reference against the table saw fence. Anyone else ever run into this problem?
It's more common than you would think. That doesn't bother me as much as bead board not being parallel with the edges of the sheet. Thats been happening pretty consistently no matter who we by it from.
I have never noticed it, although I must admit that I don't use plywood often. However, knowing that tree trunks are conical and not cilindrical I would expect some convergence on the grain lines dunno. I would say that if it bothers you or if you can foresee that it will affect the perception of the piece for bad you can correct it when cutting the pieces but obviously that will increment the waste.
Normall I would just work around it, as it turns out I was able to today. But it is bothersome.
That is disturbing. I would certainly let your source know and see if they offer a "better" grade(?)

At $120 a sheet I don't think I can afford anything better!:eek::rofl:

Actually, this is their top product, but I will make them aware and see if it leads to a little discount on the next purchase. Oh, and next time I take a tape and check before I buy.