Eagles and Spruce

Ryan Mooney

Staff member
The Gorge Area, Oregon
On the San Juan trip we were trucking around the island and ran into the "eagle guy" who throws out chicken for some of the balds on the island. Not totally sure how legal/good of an idea this is but hey it was still pretty impressive.

When we pulled up there were eagles everywhere.

They were coming in for snack grabs on the wing

Sometimes several at a time

We also stopped at the worlds largest spruce tree on the way up.
Cool tree, the Eagles are great but i aint a fan of feeding wildlife. I keep wondering what happens when the person doing the feeding aint around in the future.

But its incredible to see how those birds can swoop down and pick up something. Many years ago when i was still living in South Africa tool my missus and one son to Lake Malawi to show them where i had been sailing as a bachelor and we went out onto the lake with a boat that did tourist rides and stopped near and island to show off the local fish eagles. They would take a fish (Chambo form of tilapia) and toss them into the water and the eagles would swoop down and snap them up. Somewhere i have some old video footage of that happening. What i really liked was the sounds they make its an incredible call.