I may have overpurchased a little bit...

Brent Dowell

Staff member
Reno NV
So, Sharon comes home from the grocery store yesterday and casually mentions that they had some hatch chiles at the store. "Oh, They've got a few set out and one 25# box".

I immediately go into a frenzy and I may have questioned her decision making process in that she didn't bring home that 25# box! So I got up bright and early and drove down to the store and look what they still had...

Looks like I'll be busy this afternoon roasting, peeling, vacuum packing, and freezing some Chiles!

Very cool. Young Guns is one of the better-known brands. :thumb:

25 pounds, huh? So September is covered...what about the other 11 months? :D
Very cool. Young Guns is one of the better-known brands. :thumb:

25 pounds, huh? So September is covered...what about the other 11 months? :D

I was wondering about the brand. Figured there had to be more than one!

I may actually dedicate one of our garden beds to trying to grow these next year.

I think 25# will keep me busy this afternoon in the heat.... Might have to just have some cooling refreshing beverages while I process these...

Finally put my super hot peppers in the garden bed

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Here in the land of hot and humid Anaheim's will just have to do....and they seem to do quite nicely. I'll plant more next year. I think there is a Ristras worth here.....well, maybe not:) If they were for sale at the local grocery store, I'd buy a box of Young Guns in a flash.

chiles 008.jpg
...I think 25# will keep me busy this afternoon in the heat...

I was reading a Facebook thread about green chile, and was kind of surprised to see some of the quantities that people buy every year. People were talking about buying 4 or 5 boxes at a time, or 3 or 4 bags (35#). You can see why they came up with the propane-fired chile roasters. :D

Hatch chili rellenos. Christmas style. Cheated on the red cause I used dried California chili's. Best ive ever made/had. So happy I made enough for leftovers!

Interesting breakfast Vaughn have to add that one to the bucket list. Brent was that breakfast, lunch or dinner. And i take it these are relatively mild chillis?

Well i have no idea what these Chillis taste like. Another first exposure for me so i will have to look around and see if any of that harvest has made its way up north for us to tryout.

My first search found this blog which i thought was entertaining and educational reading for a chili heathen. :D Will have to try change that.

That was dinner. Whole chile stuffed with cheese, battered up in a a batter made of whipped egg whites, with the yolks folded in, then pan fried.

Green sauce made with roasted peeled green chile's, red sauce made with dried red chile's.

These were the 'Hot' Hatch green chile's, but in all honesty, I think they are pretty mild. Just a bit of a tingle. No where near a jalapeno. (Which i don't really think are that hot at all either)
Looks yummy, Brent. :thumb:

Interesting breakfast Vaughn have to add that one to the bucket list. Brent was that breakfast, lunch or dinner. And i take it these are relatively mild chillis?

Well i have no idea what these Chillis taste like. Another first exposure for me so i will have to look around and see if any of that harvest has made its way up north for us to tryout.

My first search found this blog which i thought was entertaining and educational reading for a chili heathen. :D Will have to try change that.


As Brent alluded, in the overall scale of chile hotness, typical NM green chile is pretty mild. It's more about the flavor than the burn. Most of the Hatch chile is in the 4500 to 5000 Scoville unit range (or even lower)...you'll see it's near the bottom of the scale:


I didn't read much of the article in the Whole Foods Market blog. The before the headline was over the author proved she didn't know what she was talking about when she spelled "chile" incorrectly, lol. (There's a big local button on the difference between "chile" and "chili", and "chilies" is just plain wrong.) :rolleyes: (I'm giving you a pass on the spelling because of your dual handicap: A Canuck from South Africa.) :rofl: