My gandparents never would have dreamed of the technology of today

Some years ago, I was standing in a parking lot talking to a friend on my cell phone. I was wearing a pager, and carrying a Palm Pilot, portable tape recorder, and had a pair of headphones around my neck from my portable CD player/AM-FM radio. I got to thinking about my grandfather, who died in 1951, who had never owned, and possibly never spoken into, a telephone. I'm sure he did own a radio, but certainly not a television. He would not have been able to understand my life then. let alone now when all those devices are combined into the smartphone in my pocket. The capabilities of smartphones and tablets are beginning to leave me behind - I will never have email on mine, I think.

What will our grandchildren be looking at when they reach their sixties?
There have been some experiments, with moving objects, like wheelchairs, with nothing more then thought. With brain mapping and tech going how it is going, I expect our grandkids "senior" days, might entail being able to access info online, to learn how to use new devices. (or maybe even link directly with the device) Question I wonder, is will it be an implant, or something one can wear and choose to pull off.