Dragon bowl.

Chuck Ellis

Tellico Plains, Tennessee
This is a piece of spalted white oak that I spun... I like the way the bowl turned out... in the spalting I found a "Dragon's Head" hence the name... the bowl is about 8 1/2 inches diameter by 3 1/2 inches high and again finished with polyurethane.

Can you see the dragon's head?

Hi Chuck! Nice looking bowl! I think I saw the dragon head on the 4th photo on the backside of the inside. Right? Knowing me, wrong. But nonetheless a great looking bowl. Your white oak has much the same coloration as the live oak I turn. Again, good looking bowl.
Well I sure like the bowl but the only dragon I see is that I need to stop dragon my butt and get some more turning done now that I'm actually back home for a while!