where can I purchase dice that has pips all the way through?

Maybe I'm missing something, but if you drill the pips all the way through, won't you just wind up with a hollow cube... 6 drilled through will have 6 holes on both sides- you lose the 1, the 5 side will have 5 holes through and you lose the 2, the 4 side will have 4 holes all the way through and you lose the 3... ???? What am I missing???? I understand Mack's suggestion and if you drill 1/2 way, then you'll retain all the pips.
Allen, Toni's rendition looks very similar to the Vertex (or Vortex?) click pen. Will have to look and see if I have one. What about making your own die? Smaller, I might have an ebony pen blank. I'd make them small and leave them squared with maybe just a "softening" of the edges.