Pecan Muddler

Roger, don't worry about how big your lathe is, or how big the wood is, or anything else. In fact, don't worry about none of it. Have fun. If it ain't fun, then it ain't worth doing. I did my career thing and retired in 1995. Since then, if it wasn't fun I wasn't gonna do it. I hope you and everyone else on here has the same feelings about it. Someone asked me if I ever got tired of turning. Nope. I get tired a lot of times, but not of what I am doing. I'm always thinking of things to try and work my way towards getting there. And, if I get it done, then I do. If not, then I still have something new to get to. So, if your lathe has a 7" swing then go for all the things you can do with it. And, have fun doing it.