Ambihelical Socket Set?

Vaughn McMillan

Staff member
I'm building one of these in my garage, and I couldn't get the correct torque on the ambihelical hex nut (the socket kept falling off). Anyone know where I can find an ambihelical socket set? Tried Harbor Freight, but the set they had looked pretty cheap.

Yeah, I agree the harbour freight set is cheap but that's the only place I've seen that sells the premade. Your other obvious option is to take a regular set and strain them through your klein bottle and let me tell you from experience it's a really tight squeeze.

Klein bottle was a birthday gift from here:
Only the best in noneuclidian topological anomalies.

I am curious where you found the rectubular drills? I had some but turned them sideways on accident once and they disappeared from geospatial space and haven't been able to dimensionally shift them back since our find a non potmetal replacement. Ideally they'd be monomolecular like the last set was as well...
You may be able to hold the socket on with möbius tape. Avilable at office supply stores, sales start beginning in April. A single roll will last a life time.

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