Tea Light LED Lithophane with wooden base as an anniversary present

Darren Wright

Staff member
Springfield, Missouri
Our Son and DIL are coming up on their 4th wedding anniversary, so I though I'd try to make them a little something.

I started with 3 pics of them and cropped them square, then copied them into a new wider photo with even spacing.

I then uploaded that to the http://3dp.rocks/lithophane/ site, and chose the Outer Curve option, then set it's size up to 200mm, and it's curve to 360 to make it a full cylinder.

Exported that and drew up a base for it in Sketchup a little larger than the inside diameter and placed them both centered in S3D to be fused together as it printed.

Next up was a wooden base, engraved with their wedding date, done on the cnc
2017-02-18 13.07.36.jpg 2017-02-18 13.10.56.jpg 2017-02-18 14.40.28.jpg

Here are the two finished together.
2017-02-18 14.40.23.jpg

Here are the different sides of the lithophane lit up.
2017-02-18 14.39.44.jpg 2017-02-18 14.39.49.jpg 2017-02-18 14.39.55.jpg
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Thats absolutely fantastic. An amazing piece of work.

Wonder how a Xmas tree would come out and something like say a bear standing and a moose on other side.

I think u on to a novelty that would sell.
Thank you all, been a fun project.

This was the 3rd attempt, as the first two had skipped steps (8 hours for each print). Brent mentioned that I may have the belts too tight. After playing with the bed, moving it back and forth, then loosening the belts, I did find I had a little resistance on my Y axis, which is the one that skipped. I also slowed down the acceleration and lowered the jerk values a little. Doing all of that seems to have helped add some smoothness to some other prints I've done since as well. :thumb: