Simple table but so much more

Oliver Springs, TN
One of the kids asked me after Christmas if he could build a table. I said sure find one and design it in sketchup and you can make it. After several design changes he settled on a plan. He hasn't worked on it everyday and sometimes it would set for a couple of weeks while we did other stuff, but today he got it finished. It's far from perfect, from the missed glue stains to the sanding scuffs and the finish runs and all the learning opportunities that came from them. He is the proud owner of a priceless piece of fine furniture. With pride he said it was going right at the end of the couch when he got home!

Today was one of those days why I chose teaching as a career!

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Great start for a young person! Something to be proud of doing. :thumb:

I still remember projects I did when I had woodshop in 9th grade. No doubt, he'll always remember his.