Hey Vaughn

Chuck Ellis

Tellico Plains, Tennessee
I met a fellow wood turner at my booth in Knoxville yesterday. in our conversation, he said his mentor and turning buddy had left the area and moved to Albuquerque..... so I did a name drop and told him to look you up. I didn't get his name, so if a strange fellow with a Tennessee accent approaches you... he's probably harmless. :D
LOL, I'll keep an eye out for him. I have enough Texan in me that I'll probably be able to understand what a Tennessean is saying. :D
LOL, I'll keep an eye out for him. I have enough Texan in me that I'll probably be able to understand what a Tennessean is saying. :D

Where did you get Texan? I was born in east Texas half way between Dallas and Houston, after the navy and 15 years in Calif, moved back to Texas and spent 25 years in Houston area... retired to TN in 2005... my ancestors are from Tennessee.
There is a housing development about 1/2 mile from me and a lot of them pass by my place getting to theirs. Some are active duty military and some are retired double dipping working at the JRB in Fort Worth that used to be Carswell AFB. When they see me checking my mail some of them stop and start talking about they know how I feel retiring here and being away from home and all that stuff. I just look at them and ask them what are they talking about? They look puzzled until I tell them I was born and raised in the Fort Worth area and when I retired (in South Carolina) I couldn't wait to get back to Texas. I am home. Sorry you're not. They generally don't know what to say after that. Don't know if that has anything to do with the subject but I thought I would throw it in anyway. :rofl:
Where did you get Texan? I was born in east Texas half way between Dallas and Houston, after the navy and 15 years in Calif, moved back to Texas and spent 25 years in Houston area... retired to TN in 2005... my ancestors are from Tennessee.

I get it through my bloodlines. My dad was born and raised in central Texas (Bartlett/Lampasas area) and never let my sisters and I forget it. :D
I get it through my bloodlines. My dad was born and raised in central Texas (Bartlett/Lampasas area) and never let my sisters and I forget it. :D

You know the saying, "You can take a boy out of Texas, but you can't take the Texas out of the boy." Born, bred and raised in Texas, but glad to be in Tennessee, especially after watching what Harvey did.