Holes in my walls and floors

Hey Matt, you can do it cheaper than them mats (thinner too, but still a bit of a pain to tile over).


I've installed this stuff in two baths, roughly 40 sq feet total, with a programable controller for about $650. I mail ordered the materials from a place in California, a lot cheaper than buying it special order at Lowes or a tile supplier.

Nice looking lobster Travis... How much they selling for these days? - last time I bought any in 1987 it was $3 a pound, but then we were up near Bangor, pricey up there :rofl:

We've still got my dad's old bluing tank for rifle barrels, I think it got more use cooking lobster than bluing barrels.

Nice looking lobster Travis... How much they selling for these days? - last time I bought any in 1987 it was $3 a pound, but then we were up near Bangor, pricey up there :rofl:

Less than that these days. They just had a big strike last week. The lobstermen refused to go out last Monday and Tuesday. It seems this spring the lobsters were staying dormant so lobster was in short supply. The price was way up, 6 bucks a pound off the boat. So the restaurant and retailers jacked their price up past the double digit figure....

Well then the lobsters started coming in just after the 4th. The price bottomed out, hitting 2.50 a pound or so off the boat...but the retail prices never changed. They are still up around 11-12 bucks a pound making for a pretty big gap between wholesale and retail. Generally speaking, when they are getting 4 bucks a pound or so, the lobstermen are happy.

It does not sound like much, but it does add up. When I was lobstering and caught that big one, we hauled in 6000 pounds of lobster in a 3 and a half day run, not counting the clams we caught. We fished all 800 traps which is the maximum you can soak. We worked for it though from sun up to sun down since you can't lobster after dark in Maine. That was off Criehaven Island though, so it was a lot harder fishing than closer to shore (28 miles out). That is the furthest inhabited island on the East Coast which is a pretty cool place unto its own. Only 9 lobsterman are allowed to fish out there, that is why big ones like that 12 pounder are pretty common.

So how far away is 28 miles? Well in this picture you can just see the mainland. Its at the tip of the tree if you look really close.
