Uhh - another NEW menber

Leo Voisine

East Freeetown, Massachusetts
Hi there.

Seems like this place is just booming with new members.

I just found about this place a few days ago. I have been checking out the posts and I see many familiar names.

Here is another familiar one to some - me.

Seems like a lot going on here - looks like a nice place. Lots of talent from what I am seeing. Nice!! I can learn some.

Soo - anyone care to share anything in terms of the history of this forum? How long has this forum been on the net? How is it supported? Stuff like that?

Hope to be around a while.

Looks like a nice group!
Leo, welcome to the Family! :wave: Let's see... the forum dates back to October (or so) of '06, and we're still growing strong, we're member run and moderated, and in fact, elections are just around the corner in April, please register to vote and help guide where the forum will head in the future!
Hi Leo, and welcome to the clubhouse. Here's the thumbnail history:

Back in late 2006, about a dozen or so of us became unhappy with the direction things were going (or had been going) at another woodworking forum, so we decided to start our own, hoping to sidestep some of the problems we'd seen elsewhere. In somewhat of a grand social experiment, we decided we'd have elected Moderators instead of Mods appointed by the forum's owner. We also established a "Constitution" that spelled out the administrative structure of the forum, and described the process for electing new Moderators. Lastly, decided to pay for web hosting services instead of trying to run and maintain our own server. So far, that experiment has worked quite well. We do have a periodic need for members to volunteer to wear the Moderator hat, but fortunately we've had enough folks willing to step up to the plate and serve a term or two. (We're about to need some more volunteers, though. We have a new election coming up in about a month.)

Fairly early on, when we were much smaller, we let the members know that we could use a few dollars to pay for the forum software and web hosting. Within a day or two, we had a surplus of funds, so as it currently stands, we are paid up until December of this year, and we still have $100 or so in reserve. When the time comes to pay more bills, we'll get the word out and let folks know how they can donate. If the last time was any indication, it will not be difficult to collect enough money to keep things going for a year or more at a time. Here is a link to the forum financial info.

I hope that answers your questions, but don't hesitate to ask if you have more.

Again, welcome aboard! :wave:

P.S. Looks like you got the avatar pic problem handled. ;)
Hi Leo. Welcome to you up there at the Top of the country (in that Cold Area), from down here along the Bottom, (where it don't get Nearly as cold, but Plenty Hot).:D I don't think anyone mentioned that you can go to the Members Only Section and read the Constitution, etc. I'm sure you will enjoy it here as it is a very pleasant atmosphere, (except when that Spinny Vortex starts running loose occassionally).:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Welcome Leo

The last new member loaned me couple hundred. Still in need of more pocket change. (Folding kind) Thanks in advance. :thumb:

The coffee pot is on
Welcome Leo

Bob Spare says "The last new member loaned me couple hundred. Still in need of more pocket change. (Folding kind) Thanks in advance."

I would try and find out who that was. If no one comes forth I would hold off for a bit :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Stay away from my money-pot :doh::doh: