OK - I'm ready for a test - A WIP

Rennie Heuer

Staff member
Constantine, MI
I've been spending some time with a new program for designing web sites - something easy.:D My formerly pitiful website now has some content!:rofl:

I respect the opinions of those gathered here, so I'm asking that you take a quick look and give me some honest feedback. It's still in need of work , I just want to know if I'm heading in the right direction. I think all the links work except the one for email. Can't seem to get that one to work. It opens an email window, but my email address only works for outbound mail.:huh: I've already contacted my hosting service to try and get it fixed.

The link is in my sig line below.

So. OK - hit me.
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Just a few thoughts...on the portfolio page make the pics clickable too. Also in the about me page make the words "contact me" a link to the contact page or direct to email...and lastly a nice pic of your favorite project or something on the home page to fill in the page below under construction...testing, testing...;):wave:

Looks great and I like the color scheme a lot. Can't wait to see the finished product. :thumb:
Lookin' pretty good, Rennie. Always nice to make good use of your "free" time. ;)

Where are you taking it from here?
Don't really know Jim.:dunno: Wherever it leads me I guess.:D I don't know which doors will open.

Just a few thoughts...on the portfolio page make the pics clickable too.
Also in the about me page make the words "contact me" a link to the contact page or direct to email.

..and lastly a nice pic of your favorite project or something on the home page to fill in the page below under construction...testing, testing...;):wave:

Looks great and I like the color scheme a lot. Can't wait to see the finished product. :thumb:

Uploading the changes right now - thanks for the great advice!
WOW!! :eek: All that in 9 min.!!

Hope this opens lots of doors for you. If nothing else you should market a little to other churches in the area maybe? :dunno:
WOW!! :eek: All that in 9 min.!!

Hope this opens lots of doors for you. If nothing else you should market a little to other churches in the area maybe? :dunno:
Already looking at that possibility

Looks fine from here.
Only one question, is that supposed to be "one off"? Or, did you mean "one of"?
I've heard it both ways, not sure. You are the recognized wordsmith in the family. What say ye?:dunno:
Already looking at that possibility

I've heard it both ways, not sure. You are the recognized wordsmith in the family. What say ye?:dunno:

Thanks for the confidence. My second thought on seeing that was mayhaps you didn't do it by mistake. I'm now wondering if it is one of those trade terms that some of us are not versed in.
Even if it has some traditional origin and is correct, I'm now wondering if it could be confusing to potential customers. :dunno: If so, might they also think you dunno whatcha talking about? :doh:
Thanks for the confidence. My second thought on seeing that was mayhaps you didn't do it by mistake. I'm now wondering if it is one of those trade terms that some of us are not versed in.
Even if it has some traditional origin and is correct, I'm now wondering if it could be confusing to potential customers. :dunno: If so, might they also think you dunno whatcha talking about? :doh:
I never claimed to know what I'm talking about.:rofl::rofl:

I think you're right - I'll probably change it.:thumb:
on the church furniture portfolio page make the pictures clickable... as well as the title bar
Excellent point. I'll get 'er done.

Your a shoe in:thumb::thumb: everything looks fine rennie.. good font choice as well. clean and appealing:):thumb:
Thanks Larry - hard to read fonts on web sites (along with color schemes that blind you) have always been a hot button for me too.
I have to scroll up and down to see the whole picture when navigating the picture frame pics. You may want to re-size. Overall it is looking very good.

One-off is fine, but jargony. You don't want to speak the language of your colleagues, you want to speak the language of clients. ;)

And death is just a tad depressing. I suggest truncating the quotation in your motto. Perhaps it might read:

“The goal isn't to live forever; the goal is to create something that will.”

Yes, yes, I know: "death is the mother of beauty" etc. "The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne, the' assay so hard, so sharp the conqueryinge." All that. Teleological truth is one thing, sales are quite another. Happy-fuzzy-bunny land may be more remunerative than a stark and exacting landscape... ;)



One-off is fine, but jargony. You don't want to speak the language of your colleagues, you want to speak the language of clients. ;)

And death is just a tad depressing. I suggest truncating the quotation in your motto. Perhaps it might read:

“The goal isn't to live forever; the goal is to create something that will.”

Yes, yes, I know: "death is the mother of beauty" etc. "The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne, the' assay so hard, so sharp the conqueryinge." All that. Teleological truth is one thing, sales are quite another. Happy-fuzzy-bunny land may be more remunerative than a stark and exacting landscape... ;)


Thanks Bill, sound advice.
Yes, Bill nailed it.
I believe Vaughn's designation of "common" is highly debatable.
"common" to whom?
Even though he never taught me anything beyond how to use a broom, my father was a custom furniture maker. He made furniture for designers and decorators. I usually went with him on his initial calls and, later, deliveries. In all the years, I believe I would have heard, and learned, that term. Don't recall ever hearing, or seeing, it until yesterday.
IMHO, speaking the clients language is the way to go. Don't make 'em guess.