A better day of turning

Jim Burr

Reno, Nv
So everyone here knows I've been laid up for a while. I was in a rut not being able to get around much. So before I was cut up, Vaughn and I made arrangements for another turning day. My wife, Stacey was dead set against it...but my warranty ran out a long time ago so she can't trade me in :rofl: My son and I tossed my lathe and tools in the truck and I headed south. The drive of 3 hours with the seatback on the incisions was the worst part.
As with the last time and I suspect the next, we chat a lot…turn a little…chat some more…turn something a bit more…chat about something else…pack up and hit it. No pic’s yet because my Moonscape isn’t done yet. But in the immortal Vaughn style…I came home with some cool chunks for later use. He also had a handful of pen blanks from Michael James for me. They'll come in handy if I learn how to make pens!
Really…the trip renewed me and the 85 degree day helped sweat out some of the crap that no doubt is still floating around system. I felt so happy I went by the hospital today and had a great chat with all my friends. Stacey finally had to push me out, she knew I was tired.
Thank you my friend… hope we have another one in us!
I had a great day, too. :thumb: Just take your time, heal up good, and we'll surely have more chances to turn a little, chat a lot. :D
Jim, it sounds like you and Vaughn had a great time. Now, follow the advice given and take it easy, one day at a time. There will be plenty turnings to do for a long time to come.

Hope you are healing well, and fast.

Aloha my friend, Tony
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Jim. Were you able to maintain your dignity or did he make you stand up on a pallet to turn also?...

Man, this is the thanks I get for providing a high quality, finely crafted custom turning stand for my guests? :rofl:

He brought his own lathe, so as not to suffer the humiliation of having to use a booster seat to turn at the big lathe. :D Plus, unlike some folks who've turned on my lathe, he's already tall enough to ride all the attractions at Disneyland. In fact, he can just about reach the On-Off switch on the headstock while standing flatfooted. :p

Jim, if I ever have a chance to get down to your part of SoCal, you can get your revenge by making me turn on your lowrider lathe. I'd still enjoy it. That Delta midi is a sweet lathe, regardless of the height it's set at. :thumb:
You know what I forgot...he gave all my gouges the Tormek haircut...they are shaving sharp now! :thumb::D

And the other thing you forgot was the pretty-looking maple and redwood blanks that you brought down to show me. You left them on the tablesaw, so they're mine now. Bwahahahahahaha! :bliss:

Which reminds me, did you find any usable stuff in the cutoff pile? I know you started looking, but I got distracted cutting the other chunks, so I never saw if you actually found anything to take home.
Jim, years back a friend of mine had back surgery. He was told not to overdo it, as he had so much pain that after the surgery he would be fooled into thinking that the lack of pain meant go full bore. Well, he didn't take their advice and overdid it and really ended up in a mess for a long time. I am of the understanding you are in the medical profession so I will assume you also make one of the worst patients. Be patient and don't overdo it. Love hearing about your visits with Vaughn, there will be plenty more time. The tormek haircut, that was priceless!!!!:rofl: Glad to hear you are up and about, give your body time to heal. :thumb::thumb:
Jim. Were you able to maintain your dignity or did he make you stand up on a pallet to turn also?

Vaughn's is a great place to visit. Too bad it is so far from civilization.



Jim, in all support of those of us that are not 5' 12" or taller...I was digging in the back of my truck for something and grabbed my 24" level to hook a bungee cord. Vaughn laughs and says "You short guys have some cool tricks" At 5'9" I’m average...but incredibly handsome!! I feel ya brother!!:rofl::rofl:
hey jim, when he teaches yu does he feed yu as well??? and if so what did yu have this wknd? maybe i need lessons just for the food part:)

Actually Larry, Vaughn can't cook...well, let me rephrase that...he's good at burning water :rofl::rofl:.
I eat on the way down, but I am an early riser and Vaughn usually isn't. So I bring a peace/wake up offering of several bottles of Coke in my little ice chest. I only drink water while working so he does a great job of keeping me hydrated.
However...If you make it to this neck of the woods...I am known for my baby back pork ribs, tri tip and fish tacos. Im hungry :doh:
Jim so glad ya made it down there.:thumb: What's the deal with Vaughn not being able to cook. I thought he did all the cooking.:dunno::rofl:Them babyback ribs sound really good. i might have to fire up the grill sat. and make me some.:DI'd come out there and taste yours but only if you moved to the country.:rofl::rofl: I coun't stand it if i had to live where there are more than a half dozen people on the whole road.:wave: By the way where are the pics of what ya turned.
Jim so glad ya made it down there.:thumb: What's the deal with Vaughn not being able to cook. I thought he did all the cooking.:dunno::rofl:Them babyback ribs sound really good. i might have to fire up the grill sat. and make me some.:DI'd come out there and taste yours but only if you moved to the country.:rofl::rofl: I coun't stand it if i had to live where there are more than a half dozen people on the whole road.:wave: By the way where are the pics of what ya turned.

Honestly Steve...I don't know if he can or not:rolleyes::rolleyes: But if his menu is anything like his other artistic endeavors...gourmet:thumb::thumb:
I just turned the bottom off "Moonscape" a bit ago and started putting on the finish...maybe a pic tomorrow