Router Table Fence - Tall, Ver-2

glenn bradley

I told myself that the next time I had to make a bunch of kitchen pull-outs, I would improve on my tall fence. The tall fence helps me make better quality cuts with the drawer lock bit that I favor and you can make one in an afternoon. When not in use it will hang from a peg on the wall.

The support surface is 12" tall by about 32" long. I'll shellac it and paste wax it as I have other jig surfaces that have been performing well for years. Construction is torsion box with the front surface left removable in case any adjustments for square are required down the line.

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I drilled a "half hole" so I could use the Rockler Universal clamps that I use for so many other things but, a regular clamp will fit also.

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The Zero Clearance Inserts get cut for the bit and height setting being used prior to the actual running of the material to be milled. These ZCI's are consumables so I made a bunch. I have found when making ZCI's or drill press backers and such, it pays to make a supply as long as you're setup. The clearance behind the ZCI is sized to handle bits that will fit the 3 9/16" maximum opening in my lift.

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Neat Job. I noticed in the pics that you are using one of the most versitile tools I have found. Waxed Paper!! It's also great for crumpling up a piece and "polishing" the top of my table saw, fence, scroll saw table as well as any other friction surface. Helps the wood slide really easily. I also tear off a piece to put glue on when I use a brush to dab the glue of the surfaces. Easy clean up. Also I put it under items I want to spray paint for a neat paint line on the bottom. Great stuff.
Great job (as usual) Glenn!

Very clever way to attach it to the table as well. :thumb:

Thanks Brent. You will hear me chime in "leave an over hang on the sides" when people are asking about making router table extensions. This sort of thing is exactly what I couldn't do with my original RT design. I spent a lot of effort getting the RT top to fit between the tablesaw fence rails and then was so sorry I had :rofl: I fixed that (as all of us so often do) on version 2 :thumb:
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Got a chance to use this tonight. Nice clean cuts. The large panel shown is over-large; I just wanted to see how controlled the material was going to be. I will cut it to length, run the opposite edge through and end up with a large drawer-side blank that I can just rip the various drawer height sides from later.


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You guys are really too kind. I credit most of my skill development to all the fine folks on the forums. All of us have done something in some way, shape or form that another of us hadn't thought of. Even if I don't do my dados or dovetails exactly like someone else does, seeing how they do it and what their approach was sends me off in a direction I wouldn't have otherwise discovered.

For those of you starting out, changing direction or fine tuning your skills; pay attention to us other knuckleheads. We may just strike a spark that leads you to something new, interesting and wonderful . . . or you may just glue your hand to your workbench :rofl:
Now Glenn that was really funny. Can you picture calling in at the office and saying, "Unfortunately i will not be able to come to work today due to my hand being glued to the table in my workshop" :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yeah right.....Donald Trumps words...."Your fired".:D
Added a T-Track

I only post this as an incentive; if you need your jigs to do more, go ahead and modify them. I have some larger drawer-lock profiles to run and sheetgoods being what they are, guidance along a given plane is a must. I should have added this when I made the fence but, . . . I didn't need it just then and so . . . I'll add it now :eek:.

RT-Fence-Tall-Add-Track (1).jpg . RT-Fence-Tall-Add-Track (2).jpg
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