Coffee anyone

Outside the beltway
Pull up a chair and share what's your brand. Mine is BLACK really don't matter what brand. When I left for the Army in 72 my dad told me ; "son your going to learn to drink coffee now" I found out what he meant soon enough. When I had to go out in the field for weeks at a time. No sugar or cream. So ever since Black for me. 2 - 3 days old all the better. :thumb::rofl::rofl:
Rot Gut Mud !
For some strange reason when I do go into a stair bucks or some shop like that. I get a kick out of standing behind someone who order one of them designer coffee's with the works and while that are waiting I simply answer Black, not gronda but Large, and have it in my hand and walking out while the designer dude is tapping his foot waiting for his $5 cup of candy. :rofl::rofl:

BTW summer time It's Ice coffee ! Just put the Ice in till it dumps over the side please.
I drink mine with a little creamer in it now... mostly because it's handy... I learned to drink coffee in the Navy... the last ship I was on, the mess cooks would make up a 30 gallon pot first thing in the morning... they didn't make coffee again until it ran out. We only had a crew of 107, including officers who had their own mess, so coffee lasted a while.... sometimes you could just whistle and the coffee would bring you it's own cup...

my last job, the boss complained that his coffee expense doubled after I came on board... I worked with a cup of coffee sitting on my desk for nearly 35 years while I was in the traffic/transportation industry. Even had one of those little hot plates you sit on your desk to keep the cup hot. I've cut back to only one or two cups in the morning now.
Frank if the morning get really busy and I forget where I put my cup and then find it anytime in the afternoon , it could be while closing up I'll finish it off. LOL Just don't like leaving a cup of Joe stranded.
I read a while back where studies show coffee helps prevent prostrate cancer. I upped you dosage! Always have drank it black unless I need a laxative, then I add cream and sugar. Works every time.
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I love black coffee, more so made in a percolator pot, but my wife gets the flavored stuff from the store, so have to have a little milk in it.

The institute has a big fancy automatic coffee machine with a local boutique coffee. Been getting some iced coffee from it this summer. I don't typically drink milk unless it's in cereal, so it's actually been good for me, my joins aren't as achy lately.
Black for me. Nothing fancy. I learned to drink coffee while roughnecking on oil rigs on morning tower (11-7) and going to HS days. By the time I enlisted in the Navy in '68 I was an experienced coffee drinker.
I like my coffee like I like my women: strong,bitter and hot. :D

But seriously, just plain black coffee. I get the french roast beans at CostCo and grind them fresh every morning. Boil up the water in a kettle and make it in a french press.

I used to go through quite a lot of coffee a day. Now it's just the one pot, which is probably 4 cups...
I went through both college and the military and never drank coffee - just didn't like the taste.

Now that coffee shops are common, I like a decaf mocha, probably because it doesn't really taste like coffee.


[I grew up in New Orleans and always liked the cafe au lait, made with coffee and chicory, at the Morning Call or Cafe du Monde.]
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with cream and some sugar. as my wife is from colombia, we get the stuff that hasn't been sitting around for months in some warehouse, or store shelf. the best was a brand called oro negro, but in a pinch, i'll use an instant called colcafe that's imported from colombia. gotta watch that stuff too, one teaspoon in a 20 oz cup is more than enough. if i make it according to the directions, the ol estomago (that's yer tummy larry:D) has a tendency to do the jitter dance....
well so far no one has had there "man card" revoked :rofl::rofl: I know there is a candy coffee drinker on here. :eek::rofl::rofl: Probably lives in California and works hanging pictures. :rofl::rofl:

I very seldom drink coffee, but when I do, I needs to have enough chocolate, cream and sugar to where you can't taste the coffee anymore. :D My boss, however, likes him some "Grande Wet Cappuccino, with three Splendas". :p At Starbucks, I'll just get iced tea. (The best thing about Starbucks is they almost always have a bathroom. It's like an oasis in the desert.) :bow:

My caffeine vehicle of choice is either cold tea (at home I don't even ice it, just pour it cold from the fridge) or The Real Thing, Coke. :thumb: I typically have some sort of caffeinated drink close at hand all day and night.