Married 44 years to the same beautiful, wonderful wife, have a beautiful & accomplished daughter whom we are extremely proud of!
Casual woodworking projects, golf, reading, billiards, archery & fly fish.
- Birthday
Oct 1, 1942
(Age: 82)
- Location
Bedford, NH
- Occupation
- Retired at 55, design homes on the side as a "hobby" (100+ to date).
Thoughts entering one's mind need not exit one's mouth!
As I age my memory fades .... and that's a load off my mind!
"We Live In The Land Of The Free, Only Because Of The Brave"
“The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living."
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." Winston Churchill