Frank Fusco
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  • Thanks for the info. I am fairly new to turning but extremly interested in pen making. I love looking for different wood in the desert and have had fun with sage brush. Where can I purchase the machine live centers you show in your article no mandrels. I live in remote NV so will have to order. I really enjoyed yout article.
    Thanks for your time.
    I will send you a copy of the plans for the chairs by weeks end. I can cut out 4 a day using 1/2 oak plywood - takes me a couple more days to sand and stain, but I'm old.
    Hi Frank,
    I'm a fairly new member here and noticed that you were the proud owner of a Grizzly G0632. I have ordered one myself but they are currently out of stock until around April 1st or so. Have you encountered any problems with the lathe? I noticed that you had to open the end of the bed casting to remove the tailstock or head. Was this very hard to do? I'm still not sure if the bed is cast iron or steel at least not from the messages online that I have seen. I currently have the smaller G0462 and it has been ok to learn on but the reeve drive is noisey and it just too fast for larger turnings. Mine shows that it's slowest speed is 740 rpm. One thing that I changed about it was the toolrest. It was entirely too flimsy for me so I bought one off ebay and it works much better. I can't wait to get the G0632. It may not be a Jet but it sure does fit my pocketbook much better. Take care.
    Dennis Stowe
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