Search results

  1. Randy Privett

    Hogs Gone Wild

    Don't know if any of you have seen this on The Disc Ch, but it's pretty wild. Than I found this.
  2. Randy Privett

    Lady Gaga

    I usually don't care for her music, but this track I like. :thumb:
  3. Randy Privett

    Are we really this stupid?
  4. Randy Privett

    Where's Cody?

    Has anyone heard from Cody? I know he works on the oil platforms in the gulf and with the stuff going on down there, I'm wondering if he's alright. :dunno:
  5. Randy Privett

    Falcon feeding time

    Well it's that time of the year again, They've hatched and they're hungry. This is a web cam pictures of falcons that live on a ledge in Indianapolis on the circle. Really cool.
  6. Randy Privett

    Gives me the chills...

    Don't know if you've seen this before; I've seen these guys in person and still gives me the chills. and here is some background.
  7. Randy Privett

    You just never know.

    You just never know what a person does in there off time. I've known Todd for quite a while;just knowing him through the tool business. I was over at his shop recently and he had this thing in there working on it. Amazing. here's a link.
  8. Randy Privett


    This year will be the first year in more years then I care to admit, that the Love of My Life and I will not be celebrating Christmas together. As some of you already know, Claudia passed away in October. I never realized the onset of feelings one has, because of a soul mate that has passed on...
  9. Randy Privett

    Hey Jon, you eat here?
  10. Randy Privett

    Need your help!

    I don't post too much on any forum, but I do read most all of them. I need for some prayers for my lovely wife Claudia. Some of you have met her and some have talked to her on the phone. Anyway, yesterday, she went in for a MRI on her abdomen; she had been complaining about some stomach pain, so...
  11. Randy Privett

    It's That Time of Year Again

    Every year for awhile, there are a mating pair of Falcons that nest in downtown Indianapolis. The DNR has set up cameras in the nest to watch them. Kinda neat.
  12. Randy Privett

    This really RIPS my cord!

    :soapbox:We live outside of a small town of about 350 people. It seems like lately, people have been dumping their unwanted animals out in our area of the county. It is not uncommon to have 4 or 5 different dogs running through the area each week. The local area dog shelter has quit taking in...
  13. Randy Privett

    What is this?

    I had to knock the long ones off of this, this morning. What is it, any guesses?:D
  14. Randy Privett

    Wierd Happenings... LONG...

    I heat the shops with a combination of electric heat and kerosene type forced air heaters. One of the heaters is on a thermostat the other is controlled by remote control that I usually carry with me. When the shop gets a little chilly, I will hit the remote and the heater fires up. Today I had...
  15. Randy Privett

    Quick Shop tour

    I hope this works, been playing with an old camera making videos.
  16. Randy Privett

    Hey Stu!

    What kind of camcorder do you use? I need to post some stuff on the web, and the recorder I have won't cut it.
  17. Randy Privett

    Texas Morning...

    My BIL sent these pictures to us, I don't know if they took them or what? But the story is that after a while, the horses wondered off and the doe came out and retrieved the fawn. Either way I thought they were great.
  18. Randy Privett

    Sharpening Stations?

    I know that there are a lot of you that use the slow or veritable speed grinders for sharpening your different tools. My question is, who uses a belt sander or disc sander? I have 11 different grinders here and have tried most all of them in sharpening the different tools that I use and make and...
  19. Randy Privett

    Maple Bowl and stand

    I usually don't spray lacquer, so when the client wanted it done that way, I had to remake the turn table stand that I had, trust me it needed it . :doh:I had a tripod stand that I wasn't using, so I mounted a piece of 5/8" dia. steel on the end of it, drilled a 3/8" hole in the end and used...
  20. Randy Privett

    Had a BLAST today!

    I don't get/take the time to turn something for the fun of it much anymore, it seems like I'm always to busy trying to keep everyone else turning :D. Today, I just pulled out the new Mini hollowing system and gave it a spin. Really had a lot of fun, kinda makes me want to do some more of that...