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  1. Don Baer

    The Infamous Delta Drill Press Trunnion Shoe Fail

    Glenn, if you had a 3D printer that would be easy to
  2. Don Baer

    Friday 14th

    Taxes today, tomorrow is Color Guard Practice @ the Post Sunday I'll be @ the Vet Center, since I extended the hour of operation the Service Officer hours to include 4 hours on Sunday I am seeing more vets, got a full schedule on Sunday and Monday so that's a good thing.
  3. Don Baer


    I've seen em,tree%20bark%2C%20or%20in%20debris.
  4. Don Baer


    what kind of salt do you use, I find that regular table salt is yoo fine and disperses to quickly and am looking for some better ammo...
  5. Don Baer


    the dictionary I looked in mentioned a frog or toad.
  6. Don Baer

    Good Morning FWW 2/7/25

    well getting started on Taxes, I am determined not to wait until April 15th do do them, I'll wait to send em their money but I will have them ready to file without the usual last minute. I know I'm gonna pay it just how much I don't know. Other than that I'll pick up Pam at the airport tomorrow...
  7. Don Baer

    Circuit Board Help?

    are you sure it's for a guitar amp. It look to memore to the the control circuit for the turbo encabulator.
  8. Don Baer

    We have a furry intruder...

    once when playing golf with my mens club one of my buddies was teeing off and the fairway was populated by canadian honkers. Someone said "Hey Al be careful ya don't hit one of the geese" to which he replied that his ball would fly over em. Well he hit a line drive and the ball musta been going...
  9. Don Baer

    We have a furry intruder...

    we have a local Bat cave here in Phoenix...
  10. Don Baer

    Not a Woodworking Project ...

    my bad I need to look at who posted rather than assume
  11. Don Baer

    Not a Woodworking Project ...

    looks good darren. I keep a spool of abs for these types of project it is much stronger than pla especially for this type of application
  12. Don Baer

    Microsoft Sucks

    yea, I let them do an update on my desktop @ the post and had NOTHING but problems wouldn't boot etc. Finally just turned it over to our resident geek to fix and went to a backup computer.....sux.
  13. Don Baer

    Friday 1/31/25

    Well the first month of the year is drawing to a close. Gonna be a nice day in the 60's here. I have no real big plans, gonna meetup with the kids @ the post for their monthly drone club meeting tomorrow. I have one who has gotten his TRUST certificate now to get the rest of em. Should be fun...
  14. Don Baer


    one word Treager pellet.
  15. Don Baer

    Anyone play disc golf?

    The sport is usually played on a course with 9 or 18 holes, each consisting of a teeing area and target (basket). Players complete a hole by throwing a disc from a tee pad or tee area toward a basket, throwing again from where the previous throw came to rest, until the disc comes to rest in the...
  16. Don Baer

    Anyone play disc golf?

    they have a course set up in the green belt portion of our development, saturday morning there are several groups ho play. Never tried it my self.
  17. Don Baer

    Friday 24th

    finishing up on the final preparations for the Legion Riders Poker Run tomorrow i am in charge. I did the first one and this is the second one. If tomorrows is as good as last year it will be a success we made $2k last year we used for funding our various charities. I plan on stepping down...
  18. Don Baer

    Just a friendly reminder

  19. Don Baer

    3rd Friday or the New Year

    NO I do have an O2 measuring thingy I put on my finger.
  20. Don Baer

    3rd Friday or the New Year

    today will involve preparing for a Legion District meeting that I have to attend on Sunday, I am the District adjutant. Saturday I am going to ride the route for our Poker run next weekend. Sunday I have the District meeting to attend. I am not feeling any ill effect from my bought of Pneumonia...