Search results

  1. jim capozzi

    nice old stanley #4

    this one is on e-bay , ends in 30 mins ......looks good to me , slight clean up is all it needs .....current bid is 26.00
  2. jim capozzi

    to all of you housing guys and girls ....

    hello everyone , i hope you all had a wonderful christmas :wave: ok onto the problem ; this past year i had 12 new double pane , argon filled , low E glass , anti glare coated windows installed in my home . i also had 2 new entry doors both the same style , insulated , all the bells and...
  3. jim capozzi

    merry christmas

    to all of my friends here at FWW , a very merry christmas to you all !!
  4. jim capozzi

    dad's display case

    hi all , i haven't posted much in a while , been mostly lurking every now and then :wave: you can all rest easy , i have been keeping busy with work and other stuff around the house, not enough time in the day :bonkers: i few weeks ago i was asking dad "what do you want for your...
  5. jim capozzi

    any interest in a bailey #2 type 1

    hey all , i thought i would give my other family members first crack at this . i have a bailey #2 type 1 dated august 1867. its in pretty good shape , no rust , about 60% japanning. front knob is good just the normal small dings from the years , tote is perfect . pictures further down in this...
  6. jim capozzi

    what are you working on this weekend ?

    hi all , just thought i would see what everyone was doing this weekend (or did) ... heres what i got done between friday and today . (i quit 30 mins before game time) i will cut the aprons to size and tennon them tommorrow . i will also clean up the legs to get rid of the bandsaw marks ...
  7. jim capozzi

    welcome doug landphair

    welcome doug to our little family :wave::D
  8. jim capozzi

    M and T joint ?

    hi all is there a diffrence in strength between a through tennon and a mitered tenon for table legs and aprons ? another question , whats the deal with a haunched tennon and why do i need it , over a straight tennon ? :huh: thanks in advance !
  9. jim capozzi

    wixey on sale

    hey all , just sharing the sale with you all here :
  10. jim capozzi

    new toyl

    i was walking through the rockler store in maine just before christmas picking up some stuff for flatwork projects that never seem to end long enough to do any scrolling. as i walked down this one isle where the machinery is displayed i saw a delta Q-3 with a sign on it : merry christmas grizzly...
  11. jim capozzi

    old unisaur .. hey all , just ran across this on craigslist here in the syracuse area ...... older unisaw 2 hp , 3 phase i think :dunno:
  12. jim capozzi

    number 8 restoration

    hi all , just thought i would post a pic or two of a recently acquired #8 that i cleaned up and made usable again.i have a hock blade on the way. special thanks to jim delany for his help with finding the right parts:wave: sorry the pics aren't all that great but you get the idea . thanks...
  13. jim capozzi

    coffee table for my daughter complete

    hi all , just thought i would post a few pictures of what i have beeen up to lately, it keeps my busy and off the streets:rofl: i still have to rub out the finish on the top , but you get the idea :D special thanks to our friend joan for helping me with the leg turnings , she completed 3...
  14. jim capozzi

    more shellac questions ...

    hi all , ok so i mixed up a 2lb cut of orange shellac flakes ..... now the next question : how many coats do i need to build up before i rub out the finish with pumice or rottenstone without the danger of rubbing through the finish ?:huh::eek: i don't want to do that ....i am...
  15. jim capozzi

    a question for you knuckle draggers ....

    hi all , ok so i have a #8 bailey that i am in the middle of restoring and ran into a snag ...... the all thread screw that goes into the back of the frog (the one that the adjustment wheel turns on ) is buggered up pretty good. i went and got a small tap and die set thinking i could chase the...
  16. jim capozzi

    Shellac mixing ????????????

    hi all! :wave: how do you guys and gals mix your shellac?? :dunno: i've got orange shellac flakes and i want to mix a 2lb cut. how do you know you have the right amount? do i use a scale, and if so what kind of scale and where can i find one? i only want to mix up a 1/4 or 8 ounce batch. :D TIA
  17. jim capozzi

    what are you working on this weekend ?

    hi all , ok theres the question , whats everyone doing this weekend ? woodworking related is great , but if you've got something else going on lets hear that too :D :wave: this is what i knocked together today so far .... its p..p.. pi.. oh heck connifer :rofl::rofl: i forgot how it...
  18. jim capozzi

    joan's tool case updated pictures inside

    hi all first off, happy memorial day ! ok as promised, i said in a "what are you working on this weekend post" that i would start a new thread when i had the finish on it . its got finish on it i think i have found a new favorite finish for cherry atleast ! the pics are not the greatest but...
  19. jim capozzi

    whats the best finish for :

    hi all , well the time has finally come to finish this project . what would you use , shellac and wax , oil and wax , or 1/3 tung oil,1/3 BLO , 1/3 polyureathane ? i really want the grain to pop ! the case is cherry , the door fields are waterfall bubbinga veneer , the drawer fronts are...
  20. jim capozzi

    bostich finish nailer FS

    hi all if your interested , i have a bostich 15 guage angled finish nailer for sale . this item is brand new in the case , never used and comes with a box of 1000 nails . $140. plus shipping to your door . these sell new at the orange box for 179. plus tax _________________