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  1. N

    Thanks - & Gloat

    A while back I asked about accessories for a new lathe. Well, I bought a used Nova locally, and a Supernova chuck from Lee Valley. I also purchased a new chainsaw for chairmaking and bowl preparation. See - per the rules, pics are attached :) I was able to borrow some turning tools to get...
  2. N

    New Turner Accessories Question

    I'm going to be a new turner as I will be picking up my new (to me) Nova 3000 lathe on Saturday. It's about 5 years old and well taken care of and a whole lot cheaper than the Powermatic 3520b I was going to buy. Yes - when I get it home I'll post pictures. This is my first lathe. I've...
  3. N

    Slider set-up Help

    I'm trying to re-calibrate my MM CK-350 slider. I have tried a couple of different set-ups and I would like some input from all of you. My slider has about .010" of play (goes down with something heavy on it). I set it even with the table top and if you use the slider with a heavy piece - it...
  4. N

    Wood mag Cutting Board

    Here is another wood magazine cutting board I made with my 8 yr old son. I'm just getting him involved in the workshop (along with my 5 yr old daughter and 3 yr old son) and he really likes to "cut wood". We made this for the Grand Parents and it is my first try at a cutting board. My parents...
  5. N

    Walnut Blanket Chest

    I finally got around to putting the final coats of finish on this piece I shamefully had 90% done for about 6 months. I guess I've got a problem with finishing projects - something about the finality of the errors - can't fix them anymore. Anyway - this is my project from my class at Kelly...
  6. N

    Hello & Introduction

    Thanks for having me. I guess I'm a long time lurker ;) but I'm sure glad I found you guys. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Norb and I've been a hobbiest woodworker for about 8 years. Of course, we've had three children (B8, G5 & B3) and a major illness during that time period, so...