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  1. Paul Douglass

    dusted off the scroll saw

    Do not make them like that anymore!
  2. Paul Douglass

    dusted off the scroll saw

    Going to be a nice picture. Is your saw an older Excalibur?
  3. Paul Douglass

    New crank organ build

    WOW! Somewhat more complicated than a Busker or Senior 20! Looking very well done.
  4. Paul Douglass

    Baked apples

    My Mom used to bake apples. They were delicious. She used to fold pie crust up around them,,, even more delicious. Your picture made me very hungry!
  5. Paul Douglass

    Magic Piano

    WOW! That is pretty darn amazing!
  6. Paul Douglass

    Three layer wine art Steve good download

    Allen, that turned out nice. I should do something like that for my winery friends around me, maybe get a free bottle of wine out of the deal. It has worked a few times in the past.
  7. Paul Douglass

    Three layer wine art Steve good download

    Ha, my real weak spot, making the frames. I can never get perfect 45° cuts even though I have Osborne and an INCRA miter gagues. Must be my saw table is not exactly 90°s to the blade. I get very close but not perfect. Then there are the different clamping methods. The one I get the best...
  8. Paul Douglass

    Three layer wine art Steve good download

    Nice work, blades are expendable. When I first got my Hegner, I broke a lot of blades. But now I rarely break one, and when I do it is usually my fault. Now I have the Hawk saw, I am going through a lot of blades with it, but I will get used to it and that will happen less and less. I have...
  9. Paul Douglass

    Recently finished

    Very beautiful!
  10. Paul Douglass

    ELK on the easel

    You are lucky I am not your neighbor. I would be watching over your shoulder all the time. Thanks for sharing your progress with us, I always look forward to the next update.
  11. Paul Douglass

    Microsoft Sucks

    I love my mini Mac.
  12. Paul Douglass

    ELK on the easel

    Oh, boy, here we go! I think the Elk is the most beautiful North American wild animal. You hear them bugling when in the wood, can be kind of scary.
  13. Paul Douglass

    Teddy bear box and Valentine's Day teddy bear

    Very cute, for sure. Maybe my little 3-year-old friend would like something like that. Not sure what he would put in it. I would want it to represent Winnie the Pooh. He is a huge fan. Is that a Steve Good pattern.\?
  14. Paul Douglass

    Halloween .. I'm ready

    That is just mighty awesome. Very intimidating to a scroller!;). But I have to admit, I could not come close to that with a scroll saw. I looked at it for quite a while but never noticed the spelling error. You would think the software that runs these machines would have spellcheck.
  15. Paul Douglass

    Another One for My Jazz Collection

    Just finished this. It is to go with a previous one I did some time ago. I have two more I am going to try eventually. I tried some new things this time. I cut the white and removed the pattern from those pieces but left the pattern on the rest of the picture. Put the cut pieces back...
  16. Paul Douglass

    Humm curious nostalgia

    I'm glad you did, I enjoyed reading about and seeing your project. I made a barn out of triangles once; It was not a dome, but sorta, almost. It was a fun project, having walls that were not straight up and down and no square corners led to unusable space as far as arranging things inside...
  17. Paul Douglass

    3rd Friday or the New Year

    Today was in the mid to high 40°s sunny! So nice for mid-January. So nice I went out and cleaned up leaves and pinecones. I will pay tomorrow. Raking seems to be one item that is not good for my neck and back. I always pay a price, but I love to do it and feel the satisfaction when done...
  18. Paul Douglass

    Humm curious nostalgia

    I went into one that was being built nearby. It was all enclosed, but there was no interior framing yet. The builder told me to go stand in the middle of it and say something. I did, it was shockingly weird! My voice came back at me from all different directions. Kinda scared me.
  19. Paul Douglass

    Years are passing us by

    We? I only see one plate! Oh well, I understand, times are tough.
  20. Paul Douglass

    Years are passing us by

    Congrats. I knew there was a reason I brought home a bottle of bourbon from the store today. Congrats! Or did I bring it home because I have been married 57 years?:unsure::sneaky:. Just kidding, Just kidding, honey. I did not know you were standing behind me!