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  1. Charles Hans


    Bill I feel your pain, I fell a while back and hit the concrete floor in the garage. It took me about six weeks to recover. I use a walker now , lesson learned
  2. Charles Hans

    Happy Birthday Charles Hans!

    Thanks everyone I had great day celebrating my 85th LOL
  3. Charles Hans

    A hole in my pail

    Rennie, you might check U.S Plastic Co they have all sizes and shapes with or without lids, Don't know if they have screw on lids though. You might give them a cali default.aspx
  4. Charles Hans

    Friday 7Aug20

    And don't forget "Fig Wine"
  5. Charles Hans

    pvc pipe bird

    Keep them coming Allen, love to see what you come up with.
  6. Charles Hans

    Shop Porn

    This knocked my socks off He must have a cleaning crew to keep the shop this clean. My take is he spends more time on the shop than making stuff in the shop, Pretty nice though!
  7. Charles Hans

    How to move a shed - Amish style.

    My thinking is that after it was built, his wife said "I don't like it there".
  8. Charles Hans

    Keepsake Box

    cut by hand No lasers here.
  9. Charles Hans

    One old garden tool makes another - the garden hoe

    Great way to save an old tool, that should do a good job.
  10. Charles Hans

    Keepsake Box

    Larry, the player and number is an inlay of cedar into hard maple done on the scroll saw. finish is rattle can lacquer.
  11. Charles Hans

    Keepsake Box

    Made this for my Grandson who is an avid baseball player,
  12. Charles Hans

    Stimulus Check Info

    We got ours Friday, need to start looking around the catalogs I guess. :pLOL
  13. Charles Hans

    Sawdust and Snakes

    AND all of us boys carried pocket knives ,even to school where we played Mumble Peg during recess, Don't remember any one ever getting hurt with one. The good old days!
  14. Charles Hans

    Walnut box

  15. Charles Hans

    Dogwood Door

    somebody is good with photoshop LOL
  16. Charles Hans

    resin maple and cherry box

    Drop dead gorgeous!
  17. Charles Hans

    short rant

    LOL, I see you caught that, looks like nothing gets past you Vaughn. Didn't think anybody would get it. Chuck
  18. Charles Hans

    short rant

    We are doing the same here, kind of peaceful though not having to put up with the masses out there.
  19. Charles Hans

    short rant

    My daughter lives in Colorado and she told us that last week a friend of hers was at the grocery shopping and someone brought a pallet of toilet paper out and sat it down right where she was standing, so she proceeded to take a package . as she was walking through the store this guy approached...
  20. Charles Hans

    some good news

    Congrats Grandpa, you are in for a great ride believe me. Your life has changed .