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  1. Amy Reineri

    Lots of Vertical Space

    This is fabulous! My concentration in college was in historic preservation - did you take advantage of barn restoration grants and tax credits? I grew up in a rural area and I hate to watch barns deteriorate. Without barns in a community, you are really losing part of the connection to the...
  2. Amy Reineri

    A Flax Wheel

    In most wheels, the turnings on the whorl (sheaves) side maiden are trimmed back to allow the whorl to sit closer to the leather bearing. Definitely looks like the width of the mother-of-all and positions for the maidens are a bit wonky. It isn't unusual for the uprights that support the wheel...
  3. Amy Reineri

    A Flax Wheel

    You can get 'Selected Canadian spinning wheels in perspective' as an e-book for $16 from the University of Ottawa Press and it is specific wheels, rather than adding in the fiber stuff in the Amos book. The Amos book is out of print and pretty pricey as a result.
  4. Amy Reineri

    A Flax Wheel

    The Amos book has a lot of information on processing the fiber and it's an expensive book. However, there is the book about Canadian spinning wheels, which covers a lot of technical aspects and that is available for $16 as an ebook from the University of Ottawa Press.
  5. Amy Reineri

    A Flax Wheel

    Yes, the names are all wrong for the parts of a spinning wheel. The thing on the far side of the bobbin from the flyer is called the whorl, not the sheaves.