The next step involves cutting a notch on each segment in an area that will not be a part of the finished piece. This is used to clamp the pieces together while the glue dries.

Now I get to repete this process for the other three legs. While I was waiting for the Glue ups to dry I milled the center colum which will be used to fasten the legs together.
It is made from 2 pieces of 8/4 glue together. The slots are dadoed 3/4" wide and 5/8" deep. For the corners I used a 1/2" Cove bit in my router table. Unlike Sam I don't feel quite comfortable free handing a router.
Shaping the legs
First I traced the outline on the glued up legs. I quared the top and back the portion that will fit into the leg center support. I'll be cutting a rabbit in these later, I left 5/8" for the rabbit. Next I cut the back of the legs on the rip fence.Using the cross cut sled I cut the top support square with the backs of the legs. I'll square the bottom of the feet once I have finished shaping all for legss. That way I can insure that the are exactly the same height. Now was the fun part. Using the band saw like a great big scroll saw I put the rough shape on the legs.

Once this is done I rough you shape using my router, scroll saw and some rasps.

Prior to final shaping of the legs I decided to dry fit the legs to the center column. I decided that in this way I could get a perspective as to how it will look after final finishing.
Next I used my Dado set to make the Rabbits on the back of the legs. These Rabbits are 3/4" wide and 5/8" deep. They fit into the dados I cut in the center column.
Next I fitted each leg in the center column using my TS as a WB.
Now with every thing fitted I simply glued the 4 legs to the center column and wait for it to dry.
The table top.
Not yet knowing what size I wanted the top I started out with some 6/4 and cut it into 6x33. Using my courless jointer (well actually it a Jack) I planed the edges to make them true with the faces of the boards.
I drilled dowel holes in the edges of each one prior to glue up. I do this not necessaryly for strength but to make it easier during glue up to align the boards and keep em from slipping and sliding.
Again I dry fitted the pieces prior to glue up
Now I took my clamps and some cauls I glue up the top in section 2 at a time. Finaly when both table halfs are dry I glued the two half together.