Cedar bird houses

So three are ready to go
Just adding Woodstock on top of snoopy
One person sent back a text to my daughter oh ok let me make sure her husband still wants it and the other one said she thought it would be a bit cheaper as in less then 50 bucks

I told my daughter not to respond to the texts
I'm never selling anything nor will I agree unless the money goes 100 percent to a charity or cause i support

I'm going to offer these to either friends or family or give to a local thing that raises money for a sick kid

The people who asked for one and agreed they are paying are out of luck let them buy it on Etsy
They were aware of the prices which I thought were not only fair but better then they might find especially when shipping is involved
Woodstocks are drying one pin and a drop of glue and they will be attached to snoops belly tomorrow


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Since we are leaving this week I don't want to get started on any projects but I'm making some of these for different people
This one is for my daughter who is a teacher
Haven't figured out the title yet
Either I love my teacher or I love my students
Or learning is fun

I know I I know I know
I really have to get a life


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Probably my last birdhouse for a bit
My grandson loves Spider-Man so I made him this birdhouse
This is only the front I will use some pressure treated plywood to make a box


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I tried to explain to a 25 year old this morning in staples that the pricing of the paint pens made no sense or should I say cents
One fine point sharpie paint pen was 2.99
A 6 pack was 19.99
I tried to explain it doesn't jive but he had no clue what I was trying to get across to him so I gave up
I only needed one so I was ok with 2.99
Millennials and "New Math!"
Today no birdhouses
My son kept the base to an old redwood table and asked me to come over as he's off for a few days and make a new top this time closer to square
I precut the cedar at home and we firmed up the base with some support and made the top
He wanted me to stay for the pool and bbq but I haven't slept good for 3 straight nights so I just needed to get back home

He called me and told me he sanded it a bit and put a coat of sikkens on it
He will sand the base and paint it black
He wanted the table for Saturday so it's ready


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