Did a Bit of Horsetrading

Vaughn McMillan

Staff member
Made a trade with a buddy of mine, both of us getting rid of something we don't use. I had a gun he wanted and he had a guitar I wanted. Both sold new for pretty much the same price, and both sell for about the same price used, as well. I've always wanted an Ovation acoustic guitar, and I've always wanted a double neck guitar. This kills two birds with one stone...er...pistol. :D

Saw a guy locally who played a two neck guitar a couple months back. Was pretty interesting, basically he did hammer ons and offs with an amp to get a playable experience out of each neck. Was pretty cool.
Bagpipes are always in tune though (and I defy anyone to explain in terms the rest of us can understand how that's not true).

I was going to suggest an accordion with two keyboards but that's already a thing.
They have lots of opportunity to be out of tune, since the drones each have to be tuned to the chanter. And then there's the whole even tempered vs. just tempered thing. Even when it's "in tune", it can sound out of tune, especially when played with other instruments.
What is this "trading off a gun" business???:huh:...

I know, right? This was a S&W Model 329 Night Guard, an ultralight .44 Mag with a 2 1/2" barrel. We called it "The Handbreaker", lol. I think the most magnum rounds I was ever able to shoot with it in one session was four. Couldn't take the pain after that. (It wasn't too bad with .44 Special loads, though.) My nephew, who shoots a LOT and runs the gun department at the local Cabela's, did manage to tough out 6 magnum rounds with it once. He handed it back to me like it was a dirty diaper and said "That's messed up". (Except he used a bit more colorful language.) I originally got the gun from my dad after he decided he didn't enjoy the pain of shooting it. I'm sure he'd approve of the trade. I have other .44 Mags that much more enjoyable to shoot, including one with a dual ported 3" barrel if I ever feel the need for a compact hand cannon. And the guy who has it now will enjoy having it mostly for bragging rights, but also because it'll be a good size/weight to carry on his motorcycle. I warned him that it's not a range gun. ;)