Finally got back into the shop

Chuck Ellis

Tellico Plains, Tennessee
Haven't worked much in the shop much since June when I had the internal bleeding in my leg, but finally got out yesterday and turned down some pepper mill blanks I glued up over the last couple of weeks.... these are just preliminary, still need to cut off the top pieces and drill them. I've about sold all my big mills at the local Museum Market Place, so need to replace a few. Also think I'm going to go back to my Farmer's market in Knoxville this summer.... sales have been a little slow this year on ETSY and at the Museum Market...
also had a chunk of Cherry that I cored 2 other bowls from .... I use the Woodcut coring system.... the big bowl is about 10" dia, second is about 8" and the little one about 6"
The bowls only have a coat my my abrasive grit (mineral oil, beeswax and DE) and first coat of sanding sealer. Still planning to put 3 or 4 coats of WOP.
The mills will be finished the same way once they are finished.
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Please ignore the mess in my shop... I work mostly under an organize chaos system.