Friday the 22nd

Got to laser engrave a plaque for the VSO offices we have the ribbon cutting on Monday. Sunday will be all day at the post for Bingo and office time. Saturday evening The Legions Riders are putting an appearance at a local community fall festival. We will ride in as a group escorting the legion trailer and park our bikes together. The The trailer will serve as a bill board to promote the legion and the vet center . We will set up a table to let the community know about some of the things the Legions does to support the community.
Haven't done any mowing August and the way it looks spring will be here before I do. All the leaves have blown away so don't even have to clear those away. Don't know how I will survive lack of doing my lawn service. Now getting ready for the family Thanksgiving bash then on to mthe rest of the holiday festivals. Enjoy the holiday but the grandkids are now almost all adults so not as much fun and joy as when they were little. They just seemed to grow up overnight. Guess that's life.
Everyone have a safe and healthy weekend and more.

Thanksgiving to all. Enjoy your family and life.
I will venture out later this morning for a haircut. Had a little more snow, but it is forecasted to rain all day which will create a mess with all the snow on the ground. November can be a tough month with periods of snow followed by periods of warm-up. Creates a mess with the roads, especially if you have a dirt road. Be glad when winter finally settles in.

Don't plan to do much for the next couple of days except cleaning up the place and getting to a lot of smaller projects that got pushed aside with all the major outside work this past two weeks.

I also will try to keep the couch from floating to the ceiling for a while today. Works best when I keep my eyes closed.
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Field testing an early critter control Christmas present. Rapid Air Worx HM 1000X Pre-charged Pneumatic (PCP) air rifle, .25 cal @ 950fps with a 3-18 ffp variable scope. Runs on 3000psi compressed air with a regulator to ensure each shot is consistent. A moderator threaded on the end of the barrel makes it vewy, vewy quiet . The old gun gave up the ghost and repair cost was almost the same cost as a new one. This one is a few steps up in quality.
Today I'm doing some CCW paperwork for four students that did their shooting re-qualification last weekend. (NM requires CCW licensees to re-qualify every two years.) Also need to make a run to Costco to get dog food and gasoline. I hope to beat the pre-Thanksgiving rush there. After that, I'll go over to Home Depot next door to return a garden hose that we ended up not needing. I'll probably also hit the supermarket to pick up a few things for Thanksgiving dinner with the family. I've got it easy this year...I was only assigned to bring mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes. Also need to do some pre-gig practice and preparation for a show tomorrow night at the Tatted Bee. For those who are interested, here's a link to the promo video for that one:

No plans for Saturday except for packing gear, setting up gear, and tearing down gear. (Well, aside from 3 hours of playing the guitar, lol.)

Sunday will be mostly taking it easy and catching up on all the Formula 1 Las Vegas Grand Prix action.
Trying to get the guest cabin and a few other projects across the finish line. Started digging the hole for the septic/holding tank installed. I may not do the laterals until spring. A friend from KC is coming down to help me with the install.

I had a propane tech come by this week to find out what we needed to do to switch to a larger tank and to have lines ran to both houses from the one tank. We came up with a plan and I will dig the trenches for the lines this weekend too.

Also finishing up the trim work and paint, may get the water connected too.
Cutting wood, stacking wood, splitting wood, am I in a rut? Nope, just winter time and only heat is wood heat so have to have wood! You all be safe and stay as healthy as you can. Next Friday will be celebrating with the girls and their families. Be safe in your travels.
My grandfather used to talk about cutting wood....a lot. He said as a boy they cut wood every day. They needed stove wood, small pieces that could be put in the cook stove that would readily burn to keep the cook temperatures up. You needed stove wood 365 days per year.

Then there was heating wood for the fireplaces. That wood was cut and split expressly for the fireplaces. It seemed that when he was telling the story they needed heating wood most of the year.

Lastly and mostly there was the wood for the tobacco barns. Tobacco was cured with the heat generated by burning wood. Any kind of wood would do but it took a lot of it.

He said as a kid you never had nothing to do because there was always a need for cut wood. And when they weren't cutting wood they worked in the fields.