Ruler stops; ya gotta love ruler stops. Unfortunately the most useful I have found were offered by Garrett-Wade back in the day and do not appear to be currently offered. There are some big clunky versions from several vendors currently available. These help me set the mid-rail position accurately by referencing off the stop and the end of the rule.

Time to resaw out some floating panels from this 8/4 x 11"+ x 10' board.

I use my jig saw to break these down to more manageable sizes.

The planer sled comes into service again.

Resawing this 11"+ wide board is at about the limit of my bandsaw.

I can pull three panels from the 8/4 thickness of these blanks.

Due to the resaw pattern I yield a center piece with a book-matched piece on each side. Now I get to pick who goes where in the grand scheme of things.

One of the anomalies of sepele is the reversing grain. The cross pattern (?) is one that can be a problem at times.

Sometimes this cross-pattern (I do not know the formal term) can be open and require filling or avoiding.

Once I am happy with who goes where I can cross cut things to length.

These shop-made flip-stop blocks are milled square. Even so when I am doing final dimensional work I check and re-check things.

Once the long section is cross cut I flip the true edge to the stop and cut the shorter piece to length.

I mark each of these to keep the sections together as I continue to break things down.

The next phase will be ripping to width and profiling the panels.