I Experienced a Simple Pleasure Today

Only experienced one of those, just about fifty years ago as soon as my feet hit the ground coming home from Nam. Felt mighty good. I'd have to search around to find that service around here but getting pampered always boosts the spirits. (y)
Haven't even experienced the pleasure of a barber in 15 or more year... I buzz my hair off myself. I don't even know what they charge now for a hair cut, let alone getting pampered like you did.
I remember my dad getting one, when I was a kid, at his hometown barber. It was quite a sight to watch someone use one of those. He did get a couple of nicks, but dad was happy just the same.

Straight razors seem to be a "niche" market now days and command a good price for a nice one.
I remember my 1st trip to the barber , My dad got one and I freaked out. Dad had to bring me back later. I don't remember the 2nd trip. LOL
When I was in Korea I always went to the ville to get a hair because because I'd get a hot save.
I buzz my hair off myself.

Given the cost and quality overlap of the hair dressers I've run into locally a few years back I came to the conclusion there wasn't a lot of reason to pay too much for a bad haircut when I was perfectly capable of giving myself a bad haircut. It's quicker to since I can just take 10 on the back porch and not have to go down town.

Now if there *was* a decent barber in town.. I might go ahead and give them another try...
Had my first one also a few months back. I found a young lady barber in a small town close by and have started trading a couple of ring bowls for a shave and haircut.