Latest Attempt with SU Cloud

glenn bradley

I ran my mouth a little reckless in this thread about the Cloud based product. I shouldn't offer info as if it is current when it is based on old data. I just loaded and knocked out this simple sketch in a few minutes total.

View attachment 112244

The stuttering and loss of tool control I mentioned in my early experiences is completely gone. It felt very nearly like "local" control. There is a bit of hesitation creating components and the mechanism for saving the model runs a little rough as in most cloud systems.

I was unable to save the model so far (its still spinning trying to perform a save). Irregular record placement and retrieval capability is typical of cloud services (don't go all torches and pitchforks on me, you know we're not quite there yet) but, I will let it set awhile and try again. The functionality certainly seems to be there as far as drawing. The errant save and retrieve mechanisms are familiar. The process of clicking 'save', clicking 'new folder', naming the folder and saving the file took . . . well . . . I'm still waiting for the file to save; it's been a 2 minutes-plus . . . OK, I can select the newly created folder now . . . 3 minutes-plus . . . Done!

In this very controlled case it took longer to save the drawing than to make it :D. Re-opening the file was very quick so retrieval is worked well in this instance. I modified the table by painting the top and tried to save. I received and 'error in saving', cancelled the process and tried again. It has been stuck in saving and unresponsive to commands ever since. I closed the browser and re-opened, went back to SU Free and opened the model. The save had taken place.

Wait, I must amend. I was testing a few models to make sure I didn't just have a 'sample of one'. I went back to the original file and the saved change was gone :(. I re-applied the change and saved which again took quite a while but, took this time. The other test drawings I made took a while to save as well. Opening the saved files was near-immediate to sluggish BUT, this is cloud-normal so don't think I'm bashing. There is no free lunch :)

So, in short, very usable but, very cloud like. Please don't consider me harsh. I'm just a dinosaur from the old computing days when errors of this sort being allowed to escape into the wild would have you called in on the carpet and possibly handed your hat. I would not hesitate to use the product. Many of you have grown up with functionality of this sort and will wonder what I think is wrong :D. This is an MP, not a YP :)
Glenn I too was turned off by the cloud version. I was also hesitant to take the time to learn Fusion but I discovered that I could save m drawing from fusion on my computer and that made it OK, the program is still cloud based but at least my files are kept where I know they are safe. I wonder if SU also will let you save or export you drawing to you computer. I guess the plus side to cloud based programs is you don't have to keep uploading revision to stay current. Maybe Dave will pipe in.