Little house isn't looking so good.

Darren Wright

Staff member
Springfield, Missouri
So it looks like the last several months have taken a toll on the little house at the farm. Last year it was just starting to fall in on the right side, but looks like that weight has started pulling the ridge down, it's snapped in half in the middle.
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At this point I may just hook up a good rope to the truck and try pulling down what I can with it. I was originally going to start with the side wall and pick away what I could, hoping to leave the ridge, but looks like the entire roof is coming off.

I was able to get the rest of the lean to on the back of the barn to come down. picked away at it until I found the one nail holding it all up. Next trip will be removing all the tin roofing, then cutting way the structure/nails till the elephant is eaten. ;)

May start tearing down the little house by summer's end.
Yeah, it's sad that this happened to the house. Are you thinking about building a new house in its place? I would do exactly that if I were you. When my wife and I got my parents' house, we redid it with the help of and their designer. I wouldn't say that the previous design was bad, but we wanted something more modern and convenient. That's why the designer and I have developed something completely different from the old one. We started with various designs that we found online, and the designer showed us his options for how he sees the house. In the end, we agreed on one design in which there were pieces of others.
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Made some progress, by removing the rest of the roof today. I restocked the wood pile by cutting up both gable ends and few sections of walls.
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We drug up an old stock tank that had rusted out around the lower half and used it as a burn pit. My wife kept it going while I worked on the wood pile.

We still have quite a bit to burn and sort through. There is a bunch of old flooring boards in the pile, which were never used. I’ll probably chop a bunch of it up to add to the wood pile too. I’ll work on the back walls as I get the other debris cleared out.

I did find a bunch of staves/pickets for the 4 wheel hay wagons, saved those and still see some tools under the pile here and there.

It’s too early to tell if we’ll be able to build anything back here, at least on the original foundation.
Looking at the last pic I see you have more slope on that land than I had previously thought. A good grandpa would be figuring out how to make one of those alpine wheeled bobsled tracks or somethin'. :D
Let us know as soon as it is installed... we need a place for the next FWW gathering. :rofl: :rofl:

🎶🎵 we're going to Kansas City... Kansas City here we come 🎶🎵